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First Name Last Name Email
Arnold (Luke) Lukawesky luke.lukawesky@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Government of Canada

Department: Environment Canada

Title: Supervisor Meteorological Service of Canada (MSC) Programs

Specialties: meteorology, oceanography

Current Research: setting up and operating remote weather stations at places such as Isachsen, Mould Bay, Stefansson Island, Rea Point plus a few to be named. Data is acquired via Campbell Scientific data loggers and GOES transmitters - for real time data. A secondary function is to deploy ice beacons on the permanent ice pack NW of Eureka. This is a joint effort between the U of Washington Polar Research Lab, and the Institute of Ocean Sciences. The buoys are supplied and my crew does the deployment. The data are used for meteorology and oceanography.

Jennifer Lukovich jennifer.lukovich@umanitoba.ca

Organization: University of Manitoba

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, sea ice dynamics

Tom Lukowski tom.lukowski@ccrs.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Natural Resources Canada

Specialties: remote sensing

Current Research: Canadian Arctic - Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery Exploitation of Synthetic Aperture Radar imagery

Dirk Lummerzheim dlummerzheim@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Geophysical Institute (GI)

Title: Research Professor Emeritus

Specialties: space physics, auroral studies, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Auroral modeling using numerical techniques. Electron transport in the aurora. Auroral proton transport. Chemistry, composition, temperature and dynamics of the auroral ionosphere and high-latitude thermosphere. Small-scale structure of the aurora. Interaction and coupling of the ionosphere and inner magnetosphere. Data analysis of auroral observations from ground-based and satellite-borne instrumentation. High energy electrons, protons and X-rays penetrating into the middle atmosphere and stratosphere.

Virgil Lunardini Jr. lunardini@valley.net

Title: Consultant

Specialties: permafrost engineering, heat transfer, global warming

Current Research: Ground and air temperature sites from Fairbanks to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska (9 sites). Two boreholes for temperature observations in discontinuous permafrost. Inverse conduction heat transfer study to deduce past global warming in permafrost regions.

Angela Lundberg angela.lundberg@sb.luth.se

Organization: Luleå University of Technology

Department: Department of Water Resources Engineering

Specialties: snow hydrology, ground penetrating radar

Current Research: Snow interception evaporation.

Claus Lundsgaard clu@dmu.dk

Organization: Danish National Environmental Research Institute

Department: Department of Marine Ecology

Title: Research Scientist, PhD

Specialties: marine ecology, marine microbiology, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Vertical flux of carbon in oceanic regions. Regulation of microbial activity and substrate utilization in pelagic marine systems. Modeling of the microbial food web in relation to organic carbon fluxes in general circulation models. Biological oceanography in the Greenland Sea.

Nick Lunn nick.lunn@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Wildlife Research Division, Science and Technology Branch

Specialties: bears, pinnipeds, marine ecology

Christof Lüpkes christof.luepkes@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Climate Systems

Title: Meteorologist

Specialties: atmospheric physics, boundary-layer meteorology, sea ice, atmosphere sea ice interaction, turbulent fluxes

Mark Lusk mark.lusk@oregonstate.edu

Organization: Oregon State University

Department: International Education and Outreach

Title: Director

Specialties: education

Current Research: Circumpolar Education Collaboration.

Bruce Lutz brucelutz@msn.com

Organization: Brown University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology

Current Research: Inuit culture.

James Luyten jluyten@whoi.edu

Organization: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Title: Senior Associate Director and Director of Research

Specialties: science management

Lise Lyck ll.tcm@cbs.dk

Organization: Copenhagen Business School

Department: Center for Tourism and Culture Management

Specialties: economics

Current Research: Arctic international trade. Economic, social, and political development in the Arctic. Greenlandic development since 1945. Autonomy models and problematics.

Christian Lydersen lydersen@npolar.no

Organization: Norwegian Polar Institute

Title: Research Scientist, Dr. Philos.

Specialties: marine mammals, ecology, bioenergetics

Current Research: General ecology and physiology of marine mammals

Kjetil Lygre kjetil@nersc.no

Organization: Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center

Department: C.G. Rieber Climate Institute

Specialties: physical oceanography, modeling, biogeochemistry

Current Research: Mesoscale marginal ice zone biogeochemistry ocean dynamics interactions. Decadal-scale variability and the freshwater budget.

Amanda Lynch amanda_lynch@brown.edu

Organization: Brown University

Department: Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences

Title: Director, Institute at Brown for Environment and Society

Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, climate change, climate modeling

Current Research: sea ice variability, polar lows, adaptive governance

Niels Lynnerup n.lynnerup@antrolab.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Laboratory of Biological Anthropology

Title: Assistant Professor, MD, Ph.D.

Specialties: physical anthropology

Current Research: Isotope levels in 15th-century Eskimo and Norse Greenlandic bones. Physical anthropological studies of Greenlandic human remains. Middle ear disease in contemporary and historic arctic populations.

W. Berry Lyons lyons.142@osu.edu

Organization: Ohio State University

Department: Byrd Polar Research Center

Title: Director

Specialties: environmental chemistry, global change

Current Research: Lead PI - McMurdo Dry Valleys - LTER, Antarctica Environmental geochemistry of trace metals. Elemental cycling. Global change, past and present.

Larry Lyons larry@atmos.ucla.edu

Organization: University of California, Los Angeles

Department: Department of Atmospheric Sciences

Specialties: magnetospheric physics, auroral studies, ionospheric physics

Current Research: Ionospheric flows related to geomagnetic activity relations between auroral activity and magnetospheric processes.

Igor Lysenko igor.lysenko@unep-wcmc.org

Department: UNEP - World Conservation Monitoring Centre (WCMC)

Title: Conservation Analyst

Specialties: biodiversity, environmental assessment, geographic information systems

Current Research: Gap Analysis (Circumpolar; Russian Arctic). Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna. Circumpolar Protected Areas Network Development. Climate Change Impact on Arctic Biodiversity. Environmental Indicators Development. Spatial Data Management.

Vitaly Lystsov vitalil@pike.net.ru

Organization: Russian Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Department: NTK “System analysis”

Specialties: radioactive waste technology, marine environment, science management

Current Research: Protection of marine environment from anthropogenic pollution in the arctic region of Russian Federation. Assessment of risk for environment from nuclear pollution.

Michał Łuszczuk mluszczuk@gmail.com

Organization: Committee on Polar Research Polish Academy of Sciences

Department: International Relations

Title: Deputy Chair

Specialties: international relations

Current Research: Arctic policies and roles, EU Arctic Policy, Poland's approach towards Arctic.

John Ma ffzm@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Civil Engineering

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: structural engineering, timber industry, concrete technology

Current Research: Precast concrete bridge system in cold regions. Short-span timber bridges in Alaska. Precast foundation. Freeze-thaw durability of high-performance concrete.

David Maas dmaas@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Title: Professor Emeritus/Retired

Specialties: political economy and indigenous issues

Current Research: Census analysis on Arctic Slope.

Douglas MacAyeal drm7@uchicago.edu

Organization: University of Chicago

Department: Department of Geophysical Sciences

Title: Professor

Specialties: ice modeling, glaciology, icebergs, general glaciology

Current Research: supraglacial meltwater lakes on ice shelves and ice sheets