ARCUS at the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) 2016
Fairbanks, Alaska
12-19 March 2016
ASSW Website:
ARCUS staff and board members look forward to seeing many Arctic colleagues at the Arctic Science Summit Week in beautiful Fairbanks, Alaska! We hope to see you at our Open House or Exhibit Booth, or any of the other events we are involved in, which are listed below.
Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC) Arctic Research Plan 2017-2021: Community Input Session
When: Sunday, March 13 | 1:00–3:00 pm
Where: Gruening Building, Room 408
Contact: Sara Bowden (IARPC), bowden [at] or Robert Rich (ARCUS), bob [at]
The Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee (IARPC), which consists of principals from 16 agencies, departments, and offices across the Federal government, is charged with enhancing the scientific monitoring of and research on local, regional, and global environmental issues in the Arctic. IARPC is currently developing a new 5-year research plan. IARPC representatives will discuss progress and are interested in hearing your priorities for the development of the next IARPC 5-year research plan and the implementation of the current plan. ARCUS will facilitate this stakeholder listening session to gather ideas about funded work or programs that IARPC can incorporate. All members of the Alaska, U.S., and international Arctic research community and other stakeholders are invited to participate.
ARCUS Open House/Drop-In Event
Thank you to those who attended the ARCUS Open House at ASSW! Over 50 people participated, including U.S. and international Arctic researchers, students, agency personnel, Arctic community members, and press.
When: Tuesday, 15 March | 2:30–4:00 pm
Where: Gruening Building, Room 409
Contact: Betsy Turner Bogren, betsy [at]
ARCUS invites all ASSW attendees to our Open House/Drop-In Event with light refreshments. Please join ARCUS Board and staff members to discuss your ideas to connect and support Arctic research and hear about new ARCUS membership categories and benefits. Learn how ARCUS can help your research through communication, coordination, and collaboration.
ASSW event page:
Presentation by Robert Rich, ARCUS Executive Director:
ARCUS 2016 ASSW Presentation (PDF - 25.1 MB)
ARCUS Exhibition Booth
When: Monday-Wednesday, 14-16 March | 8:00am–6:00pm each day
Where: Wood Center, Ground Floor
Contact: Kristina Creek, creek [at]
In collaboration with the Polar Research Board and U.S. Arctic Research Commission, ARCUS will have an exhibition booth highlighting ARCUS activities and new membership opportunities. Please stop by and say hello, sign up to win an Arctic umbrella, and meet our staff!
ASSW Exhibitor List:
The Arctic in the Classroom: “Make an Impact” Kickoff Workshop
When: Sunday-Tuesday, March 13-15
Contact: Sarah Bartholow, sbartholow [at]
By Invitation Only
This workshop is a kick-off event to ARCUS’ new “Arctic in the Classroom” project. The goal of the workshop is to bring together local teachers with Arctic researchers to collaborate on the development of Arctic research educational resources. This project will provide an opportunity for Arctic science to have broader impacts on educators and Alaska Native students—a group that is underrepresented in science careers—and increase the knowledge and skills of educator and scientist participants to use Arctic research to provide effective learning experiences for K-12 students.
More about the Arctic in the Classroom project:
Poster Presentation at the Arctic Observing Summit
When: Wednesday-Thursday, 16-17 March | 5:30–8:00pm each day
Where: Wood Center, Second Floor Mezzanine
Poster ID: T1-9
Contact: Helen Wiggins, helen [at]
As part of the Arctic Observing Summit at ASSW, ARCUS staff will present a poster summarizing the results of the 2015 Arctic Observing Open Science Meeting (AOOSM), including community achievements, goals, and advancements toward a thriving and collaborative network of Arctic observations.
Download AOOSM Poster (PDF - 6.7 MB)
Arctic Observing Summit:
Spring Equinox 5K Run/Walk to Benefit Polar Educators International
When: Saturday, 19 March | 10:00am–noon
Where: U. Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) North Campus
Contact: Sarah Bartholow, sbartholow [at]
An entry fee of $20 for this Spring Equinox Run/Walk will support Polar Educators International, a vibrant network that promotes polar education and research to a global community. The course will include roads and trails on the UAF campus with views of the Alaska Range, a chance to explore the natural areas of the UAF campus, and some well-deserved time outside after a week of meetings! Open to all ages; prizes for top finishers. Sign up at Beaver Sports (3480 College Road) or at the UAF Wood Center.
More information: