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First Name | Last Name | ||
Knut | Aagaard | kaagaard@uw.edu | Organization: University of Washington Department: Polar Science Center - Applied Physics Laboratory Title: Senior Systems Programmer Specialties: physical oceanography Current Research: High-latitude ocean circulation, shelf convection, boundary flows, shelf-basin exchange, the role of sea ice in ocean circulation, and cross-shelf transports and convective processes in large lakes. |
Jo | Aarseth | jo.aarseth@framsenteret.no | Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway Department: Department of Arctic Biology Specialties: marine mammals, physiology, endocrinology Current Research: Metabolism (indirect calorimetry), metabolism in blubber, body composition, RIA, blood volume in seals, gastrointestinal parameters in seals. Ph.D. project: Pineal glands in arctic seals. |
Endre | Aas | endre.aas@hihm.no | Organization: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences Title: researcher Specialties: environmental assessment Current Research: Oil related pollution monitoring |
Øyvind | Aas-Hansen | oyvind.aas-hansen@fiskeriforskning.no | Organization: Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority Department: Department of Aquaculture Specialties: animal physiology, ecophysiology, Arctic Char Current Research: Eco-physiological studies of anadromous arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus). Animal physiology (Atlantic cod - Gadus morhua, Atlantic salmon Salmo salar, reindeer - Rangifer tarandus) |
Peter | Aastrup | paa@bios.au.dk | Organization: Aarhus University Department: Bioscience Title: Senior Advisor, Ph.D. Specialties: muskox, environmental impact assessment, caribou Current Research: Muskox monitoring in Greenland. Revegetation in Greenland. Mapping of caribou ranges in Greenland. |
Mark | Abbott | mabbott1@pitt.edu | Organization: University of Pittsburgh Department: Department of Geology and Planetary Science Specialties: sedimentology, paleolimnology, climate change Current Research: Paleohydrology of central Alaska. Varve chronologies from Ellesmere island. |
Waleed | Abdalati | waleed.abdalati@colorado.edu | Organization: University of Colorado Boulder Department: CIRES and Department of Geography Title: Director, Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) and Professor Specialties: glaciology, remote sensing, climate change Current Research: Remote sensing of ice sheets using airborne and spaceborne sensors (primarily include laser altimetry and passive microwave satellite data). |
Frances | Abele | frances.abele@carleton.ca | Organization: Carleton University Department: School of Public Administration Title: Distinguished Research Professor and Chancellor’s Professor Emerita Specialties: human behavior, Native governments, socio-economic impact assessment Current Research: Political economy and public administration in the circumpolar north. Aboriginal self-government. |
Michael | Abels | fnmaa@uaf.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Institute of Arctic Biology - Toolik Field Station Title: Field Operations Supervisor Specialties: logistics, science management, hazardous materials management, field safety Current Research: Cold climate logistic support. Field site emergency management planning. Hazardous materials management. Toolik Field Station operations and management. |
Michael | Abels | maabels@alaska.edu | Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks Department: Institute of Arctic Biology - Toolik Field Station Title: Field Operations Supervisor Specialties: logistics, science management, hazardous materials management, field safety Current Research: Cold climate logistic support. Field site emergency management planning. Hazardous materials management. Toolik Field Station operations and management. |
Jakob | Abermann | jab@asiaq.gl | Organization: Asiaq - Greenland Survey Title: Associated Researcher Current Research: Interdisciplinary processes in the Arctic. Climate and freshwater hydrology monitoring. Climate-ecosystem feedback mechanisms. Transfer of science and knowledge to Arctic communities. |
Azmy | Aboulazm | azmy@mi.mun.ca | Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland Department: Fisheries and Marine Institute Current Research: Ship design. |
Kenneth | Abraham | ken.abraham@ontario.ca | Organization: Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry Department: Wildlife Research and Development Section Title: Wetlands Wildlife Scientist Specialties: avian ecology, bird populations, wildlife management Current Research: -Ecology and population biology of waterfowl and shorebirds and their habitats in James Bay and southern Hudson Bay. -Canada and Snow Goose demography and population management.-Bird populations in the lowlands of James Bay and southern Hudson Bay.-Impacts of geese on other species through wetland damage. |
Niels | Abrahamsen | abraham@geo.aau.dk | Organization: Aarhus University Department: Department of Earth Sciences - Geophysical Laboratory Title: Professor Specialties: paleomagnetism, geophysics, plate tectonics Current Research: Tertiary paleomagnetism and magnetostratigraphy of volcanics in W-, E-, and N-Greenland. Precambrian paleomagnetism in W- and N-Greenland. Geomagnetism. |
Alexei | Abramov | alexei.abramov@zin.ru | Organization: Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Department: Zoological Institute Specialties: mammalogy, biosystematics, natural history Current Research: Paleontology. Taxonomy. Morphology and ecology of small Carnivora (including arctic species). |
Alla | Abramovich-Gomon | imqb100@iupui.edu | Organization: Earth Music Center of Indiana, Inc. Specialties: ethnomusicology, folklore, cultural anthropology Current Research: Musical cultures of the Russian Arctic. Nenets’ song tradition. |
Nataliya | Abramson | nataliya@asv.mail.iephb.ru | Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch Department: Zoological Institute Specialties: biosystematics, biostratigraphy, evolution Current Research: History of formation of rodent fauna of Palaearctic Arctic (systematics, zoogeography, phylogeny). |
Robert | Ackerman | ackermanr@wsu.edu | Organization: Washington State University Department: Anthropology Title: Professor Emeritus Specialties: archaeology, Eskimos, ethnoarchaeology Current Research: Prehistory of interior southwestern Alaska, c. 11,000 to present;Ethnoarchaeology;Early peopling of the New World;Prehistoric Siberian connections |
Lillian | Ackerman | rackerma@mail.wsu.edu | Organization: Washington State University Department: Department of Anthropology Specialties: cultural anthropology, Yup'ik culture, social change Current Research: Yup’ik Eskimo culture. |
David | Ackley | david.ackley@noaa.gov | Organization: U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service Title: Marine Fisheries Biometrician Specialties: fisheries management, geographic information systems, biostatistics Current Research: Analysis of survey and fisheries data in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska with a geographical information system to determine spatial patterns in distributions and bycatch of various species including salmon and crab. |
Stephen | Ackley | stephen.ackley@utsa.edu | Organization: The University of Texas at San Antonio Department: Snow and Ice Geophysics Lab, Geol.Sciences Dep Title: V. Research Professor Specialties: air-sea-ice interactions, sea ice biota, cryospheric remote sensing Current Research: Electromagnetic properties of sea ice. Incorporation of sediments and biological material into sea ice. Ice growth and formation processes. Wave-ice interaction in marginal ice zones. Ice structure. Physical-biological and electromagnetic properties of sea ice. |
Mario | Acquarone | mario@nammco.no | Organization: UiT: The Arctic University of Norway Department: North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission Specialties: marine mammals, physiological ecology, geographic information systems Current Research: I have worked on Line Transect Surveys of Cetaceans from the Mediterranean to the Arctic Pack Ice and satellite tracking of Cetaceans and Pinnipeds in Greenlandic and Canadian waters (where GIS were involved). At the time of writing (Jan 2003) I am finishing up my Ph.D. on Atlantic Walrus Physiological Ecology through Doubly Labelled Water and Satellite Telemetry. |
Jan | Adamczewski | jan.adamczewski@gov.yk.ca | Organization: Yukon Department of Renewable Resources Department: Department of Renewable Resources Title: Regional Biologist Specialties: caribou, muskox Current Research: Forestry/wildlife interactions and conflicts. Woodland caribou habitat/development. Co-management with First Nations organizations and community groups. Management of wildlife harvests. Predator-prey studies and management. |
Layne | Adams | ladams@usgs.gov | Organization: U.S. Geological Survey Department: Alaska Science Center Title: Research Wildlife Biologist Specialties: large mammal population dynamics and predator/prey relationships Current Research: population dynamics of caribou in Denali National Park and Preserve; population ecology of muskox in northwestern Alaska. |
William | Adams | bill.adams@csuci.edu | Organization: California State University, Channel Islands Title: Associate Professor Specialties: archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, oral history |