Why Join?
Membership is open to all organizations and individuals interested in working together to achieve the strategic goals of the Consortium and to build and sustain the network of collaborative relationships that enable Arctic research.
As a member of ARCUS, you will become part of an exemplary community specializing in the research and education necessary to support discovery and understanding of the Arctic, polar regions, and cryosphere.
Since 1988, ARCUS has served to connect interdisciplinary Arctic researchers, educators, Indigenous knowledge holders, local residents, and other stakeholders to catalyze knowledge exchange and establish meaningful community connections. As hosts for Arctic research conferences and events, communication tools, education and outreach programming, and other networking and coordination activities, ARCUS works to enhance the visibility of the Arctic research community and to increase their proximity to critical information, people, and resources.
Whether you are interested in joining ARCUS to connect and engage with colleagues from other institutions, to give back as a community leader, or to learn more about becoming involved in Arctic research, we know you will find a welcome home within the ARCUS community.
How Does Being an ARCUS Member Make a Difference?
Memberships like yours help ARCUS make a difference by:
Amplifying the Relevance & Importance of Arctic Research - By coming together, the ARCUS Consortium helps demonstrate that Arctic Research is significant and vital to the wellbeing of society as a whole, not just to a single program, institution, or individual researcher.
Catalyzing & Sustaining Research Collaborations - Involvement in the ARCUS community supports the development new professional connections and helps to sustain connections through life’s common disruptions, such as gaps in project funding or shifts in institutional or project affiliations.
Coordinating Collective Responses to Challenges & Opportunities - Through ARCUS Annual Meetings and other events, our members discuss key challenges facing the community and identify opportunities to help move Arctic research forward together.
Broadening Information Dissemination & Access - The Arctic research community is highly distributed, ARCUS helps make sure relevant news and information can be more easily discovered and exchanged between the many institutions, disciplines, knowledge systems, and geographies involved.
Expanding Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Belonging - By supporting diverse scientific and knowledge system interactions, ARCUS provides new avenues for research specialization to make an impact and makes it easier for unique Arctic perspectives to shed light on difficult research questions and societal challenges.
Inspiring New Audiences & the Next Generation - Through community outreach and education activities, ARCUS builds the capacity of the Arctic research community to inform, inspire, and engage new audiences of all ages.
What ARCUS Offers You as a Member
Benefits of ARCUS Membership Include:
Increased Visibility
- ARCUS listservs and social media channels have over 8,900 subscribers. As an ARCUS member, we are happy to support the digital promotion of your Arctic-research related news and activities with members of this unique audience.
- ARCUS members are regularly featured through member profiles, articles, and webinar events.
- Connect with other ARCUS members through our online directory and community platforms
Access to People, Resources, & Information
- Attend the ARCUS Annual Meeting and other member-focused events to meet potential partners and discuss collaboration ideas and opportunities.
- Access exclusive information from the ARCUS staff, Board, and Institutional Member Representatives about ARCUS activities, Member news, Arctic research funding opportunities, job openings, and other professional development opportunities via our member newsletter.
- Receive advance notice for the free use of ARCUS-hosted meeting rooms at conferences such as the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting.
- Have your institution's programs or Arctic research projects featured as part of ARCUS exhibit booth outreach materials at conferences or other outreach events.
Community Leadership & Support
Help set ARCUS’ leadership direction through ARCUS Board nominations. Only active members can serve on the ARCUS board of directors.
Access tools and staff that can help organize and amplify efforts to promote greater coordination and cooperation in Arctic research.
Career Development
- Strengthen peer connections and grow as a leader in the field by serving as a member of an ARCUS committee.
- Develop your network and advance your career by taking part in online and in-person Arctic research events including conference, workshops, and webinars.
Research Innovation & Problem Solving
- Access collaborators and gain peer support from other members of the ARCUS community to help solve challenges, build local community connections, or to explore new and innovative directions for convergence research.
Membership Categories
Institutional Memberships
Joining ARCUS as an institutional member sends an important message that you are joining together with other members of the Arctic research community to ensure a vital future for Arctic research. Other benefits of an ARCUS Institutional Membership include:
- Primary Representatives of ARCUS institutional members are eligible to vote in ARCUS Board Member elections.
- Designated primary and alternate representatives of ARCUS institutional members constitute the ARCUS Council and are identified as key points of contact for networking and collaboration within the ARCUS community.
- Organizational profiles and representative contact information are shared via the ARCUS website and in the ARCUS Annual Report.
- Institutional member logos are highlighted prominently in public ARCUS Board & Staff presentations and at community events such as the ARCUS Annual Meeting.
- News items from institutional members are included in monthly ARCUS newsletters and highlighted through ARCUS social media.
- Institutional member employees receive priority booking consideration for the free use of ARCUS-hosted meeting rooms at events such as the American Geophysical Union’s Fall Meeting.
- All institutional member employees are eligible to access the ARCUS directory and online community platforms.
Annual Dues Levels for Institutional Members:
- Corporation (>50 people): $2,000 1-year Membership or $5,000 3-year Membership
- Small Business (<50 people): $500 1-year Membership or $1,200 3-year Membership
- Government Agency or Laboratory: $1,000 1-year Membership or $2,500 3-year Membership
- Research University: $1,000 1-year Membership or $2,500 3-year Membership
- Undergraduate College: $500 1-year Membership or $1,200 3-year Membership
- Academic Department: $500 1-year Membership or $1,200 3-year Membership
- Not-for-Profit Organization: $500 1-year Membership or $1,200 3-year Membership
- Indigenous Organization: $500 1-year Membership or $1,200 3-year Membership
Apply for ARCUS Institutional Membership Here
Individual Memberships
ARCUS institutional membership dues and individual member donations provide our non-profit organization with a helpful source of unrestricted income that we can use to support our membership community. Although there is no minimum contribution required to join as an Individual ARCUS Member, any level of support would be greatly appreciated and we have included suggested giving levels below for your consideration.
Students, Recent Graduates, Retirees, or Transitioning Professionals
For students, recent graduates, or retirees or other individuals who may be transitioning between professional roles
$29/per year
Standard Professional
For established working professionals with careers that have benefited from a stronger and more collaborative Arctic research community
$65/per year
Become an ARCUS Individual Member
For questions about membership, please contact Brit Myers via email (brit [at] arcus.org) or phone (907-474-1600).