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First Name Last Name Email
Barbara Sotirin sotirin@crrel.usace.army.mil

Organization: Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory

Title: Director

Specialties: acoustics, climate change, marine science

Current Research: Project Spinnaker. Iceshelf experiments. Underwater Acoustics. Oceanography. Climate change.

Maria Sotiropoulos marias@ualberta.ca

Organization: University of Alberta

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Title: Associate Producer - Discover Channel Canada

Specialties: aquatic ecology, stable isotopes, freshwater fish

Current Research: Northern aquatic food webs, more specifically the invertebrate/fish populations. Currently using stable isotope analysis to study the aquatic food webs of ponds in the Whooping Crane nesting area of Wood Buffalo National Park.

Tessa Sou sout@pac.dfo-mpo.gc.ca

Organization: Institute of Ocean Sciences (Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Department: Ocean Science and Productivity

Title: Research assistant

Specialties: climate modeling, climate change, ice

Current Research: using a ice-ocean model to forecast ice in the arctic and canadian archipelago, for the year 2030. the model is forced using a combination of National Centre for Environmental Prediction (observational data) and Canadian ClimateCentre for Modelling and Analysis model output. ocean-ice modeling (and dynamics and thermodynamics).

Azzedine Soufiane ess-inrs-asoufiane@x1.nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Centre géoscientifique de Québec

Department: INRS-Georessources

Title: Researcher

Specialties: palynology, biostratigraphy, biosystematics

Current Research: Upper Ordovician and Silurian chitinozoans from Arctic Canada - biostratigraphy, paleogeography, and systematics.

Susan Soule susansoule@acsalaska.net

Organization: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services

Department: Division of Behavioral Health

Title: Program Coordinator

Specialties: human behavior, community development, education

Current Research: Work in rural communities using community development and culturally based strategies to promote behavioral health, especially reduction in self-destructive behavior, suicide, and substance abuse. Training and educational programs for indigenous human services providers.

Eric Soulis rsoulis@uwaterloo.ca

Organization: University of Waterloo

Department: Civil Engineering

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: climate modeling, hydrology, snow modeling

Current Research: MAGS, CLIK

Chris Southcott chris.southcott@lakeheadu.ca

Organization: Lakehead University

Department: Department of Sociology

Title: VC of Research

Specialties: sociology, demography, community sustainability

Current Research: Researching Demographic Change in Circumpolar Regions Project Leader for development of Contemporary Issues in Circumpolar Society course for the University of the Arctic Member of the Executive Committe of the University of the Arctic Co-chair of the Circumpolar Mobility Program Team of the University of the Arctic

Jairo Souza jairosouza@petrobras.com.br

Organization: Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.

Department: Department of Exploration and Production

Title: Senior Geophysicist, BS, MA

Specialties: geophysics, exploration geophysics, geology

Current Research: I have been participated in the Brazilian National Committee on Antarctic Researches (CONAPA - Comitê Nacional de Pesquisas Antárticas) as the representative for the area of Geophysics.

Frank Sowa frank.sowa@iab.de

Organization: Institute for Employment Research

Specialties: Indigenous peoples, Inuit, natural resources management

Todd Sowers sowers@geosc.psu.edu

Organization: Pennsylvania State University

Department: Earth and Environment Systems Institution

Specialties: paleoclimatology, global change, atmospheric sciences

Current Research: GISP II PI to reconstruct atmospheric [N2O] throughout the last 110,000 years. Detailed correlations of climate teleconnections between Greenland and Antarctica through ice cores. Reconstruction of atmospheric CH4 from GISP2 ice.

Bo Wagner Sørensen bo.wagner.soerensen@anthro.ku.dk

Organization: National History Museum, University of Copenhagen

Department: Institute of Anthropology

Title: Ph.D., Temporary Lecturer until July 1, ‘00

Specialties: anthropology

Current Research: Violence against women (wife beating) in Greenland. Greelandic identity and ethnicity. Alcohol use in Greenland. Gender issues in Greenland.

Axel Kjær Sørensen hisaks@hum.au.dk

Organization: Aarhus University

Department: History Department

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: history

Current Research: Political and economic development in Greenland after 1721, especially the 20th century and the period after 1945. Danish Greenland policy in the same chronological periods.

Joseph Spaeder jjspaeder@earthlink.net

Organization: Bering Sea Fishermen's Association

Department: Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative

Title: Research coordinator

Specialties: human ecology

Current Research: Cultural ecology of the Central Yup’ik and Inupiaq.

Donald Spalinger afdes@uaa.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Department of Biological Sciences

Specialties: nutritional ecology, wildlife management, natural resources management

Current Research: Reindeer grazing impacts on arctic vegetation. Nutritional ecology and energetics of caribou.

Elena Sparrow ebsparrow@alaska.edu

Organization: International Arctic Research Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Title: Education Outreach Director

Specialties: microbiology, education

Current Research: Global Change Education. Science Education (Microcosmos). GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)Program. Environmental Microbiology. Microorganisms, Soil Management Practices and Greenhouse Gases. Nutrient Cycling.

Stephen Sparrow ssparro@gmail.com

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station

Title: Professor of Agronomy, Emeritus

Specialties: soil science, soil microbiology, agronomy

Current Research: Carbon and nitrogen cycling in agricultural soils. Conservation tillage management. Forage legume management.

Suzann Speckman suzann_speckman@fws.gov

Organization: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Department: Marine Mammals Management

Specialties: walrus, marine ecology, acoustics

Current Research: I am particularly interested in Pacific walrus population size and relationships among walruses and benthic and sea ice habitats; how variability in the physical environment of marine systems structures upper trophic level communities; and fisheries acoustics.

Marvin Speece mspeece@mtech.edu

Organization: Montana Tech

Department: Department of Geophysical Engineering

Title: Professor

Specialties: geophysics, ice geophysics, exploration geophysics

Current Research: Greenland geology and geophysics. Rock glaciers.

Christopher Spence chris.spence@canada.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: National Hydrology Research Centre

Title: Hydrologist

Specialties: hydrology, climatology

Current Research: Cold regions hydrology and hydrometeorology

Rosemarie Speranza fnrs@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Alaska and Polar Regions Department - Elmer E. Rasmuson Library

Specialties: anthropology, information systems/technology, Native studies

Current Research: Wenger Eskimo database project. Athabascan religion/history.

Chester Spicer spicerc@battelle.org

Organization: Battelle

Department: Atmospheric Science and Applied Technology

Title: Senior Research Leader

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, air pollution, atmospheric sciences

Vjacheslav Spichak v.spichak@g23.relcom.ru

Organization: Russian Academy of Sciences

Department: Geoelectromagnetic Research Institute

Specialties: geomagnetism

Current Research: development of methods and software for analysis, forward modeling and inversion of the electromagnetic data in three-dimensional media * methodology of the geophysical (mainly, electromagnetic) data interpretation * construction of regional 3D conductivity models taking into account prior geological and geophysical information as well as the interpreter's experience formulated in probabilistic terms * 3-D electromagnetic imaging and monitoring volcanoes, fracture zones and geothermal reservoirs

Robert Spielhagen rspielhagen@geomar.de

Organization: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Specialties: paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, marine sedimentology

Current Research: Central Arctic Ocean paleoenvironmental history (Plio-Pleistocene). Siberian paleo-river discharge (Late Quaternary). Paleoenvironment and ice covers in the Fram Strait (Late Quaternary). Stratigraphy of arctic deep-sea sediments (Plio-Pleistocene). Habitat and isotopic composition of present an dpast arctic planktic foraminifera.

Robert Spies spies@amarine.com

Organization: Applied Marine Sciences

Specialties: pollution, marine environment

Current Research: fate and effects of contaminants, especially of petroleum, in the aquatic environment with an emphasis on coastal fish and benthic invertebrate communities.

Robert Spindel spindel@anchor.apl.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Applied Physics Laboratory

Specialties: acoustics, ocean engineering, instrumentation

Current Research: Acoustic thermometry of ocean climate. Acoustic tomography in the arctic.