Event Dates
Wuhan, China

The Collaborative Innovation Centre for Territorial Sovereignty and Maritime Rights (CICTSMR), the Research Institute of Environmental Law (RIEL), Wuhan University, China and the School of Law, University of New England, Australia are pleased to announce the call for papers for the “Conservation of

Event Dates
Rostock, Germany

This conference will be the next event in the series of polar conferences organized by the German Society for Polar Research (DGP
e.V.) every 2.5 years.

We will welcome contributions in all fields of polar and high mountain research. It is also planned to address the interested public by

Event Dates
Ventura, California

The 2017 GRC on Polar Marine Science "Understanding Polar Ecosystem Change Through Time Series Observations, Technological Advances, and Biophysical Coupled Modeling" will bring together leading investigators in Antarctic and Arctic marine research. Using a tradition of excellence facilitated by the

Climate Change Impacts on Surface Water and Groundwater Hydrology in Cold Regions

Event Dates

The workshop will take place 28 May – 1 June, 2017 in Yakutsk (Siberia), Russian Federation.

Changing climate conditions are driving the recent intensification of the high–latitude water cycle. Permafrost degradation leads to a transformation of landscape structure causing thermokarst development

Event Dates
Bremerhaven, Germany

Jointly organized by the Polar Climate Predictability Initiative (WCRP-PCPI; http://www.climate-cryosphere.org/wcrp/pcpi), the Polar Prediction Project (WWRP-PPP; http://www.polarprediction.net), and the Sea Ice Prediction Network (SIPN; https://www.arcus.org/sipn), the workshop will be hosted by

The Future of Polar Governance: Knowledge, Laws, Regimes, and Resources

Event Dates

The British Antarctic Survey, working with the University of Leeds and Royal Holloway, University of London, will be hosting a workshop on the future of polar governance. The timing of the conference is not coincidental – sixty years ago, the International Geophysical Year (1957-58) initiated the

SEARCH Session: Critical regions as global carbon hotspots

Event Dates
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel & Conference Center - North Bethesda, Maryland

Members of the SEARCH Permafrost Carbon Network (Christina Schädel, Trevor Keenan, and Abhishek Chatterjee) will be hosting a session at the 2017 North American Carbon Program Meeting.

Session Description: Critical regions of North America are areas with high carbon storage or carbon uptake

Event Dates
Bremerhaven, Germany

The SIMIP Workshop occurs after the Polar Prediction Workshop (29th noon - 30th noon) and is devoted to discussions about the sea ice simulations from the upcoming CMIP6 experiments (SIMIP), with three distinct aims:

- To discuss and define best practices for the evaluation of sea-ice simulations

A Dynamic Arctic in Global Change

Event Dates
Prague, Czech Republic

The Science Symposium will address the three sub-themes: (a) Changes in the Arctic, (b) Global Implications of Arctic Changes and (c) Impacts of Global Change on the Arctic.

To facilitate the participation of early career scientists and indigenous peoples, the organizers recommend that each

Event Dates
St. Anne's College - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Dates: 14-15 September 2017
Venue: St. Anne's College - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

This workshop will bring together senior and early career scientists to gain insight into the rapidly changing pan-Arctic land surface and boundary layer. The workshop will review current

Event Dates
Prague, Czech Republic

SEARCH leads will be attending and participating in ASSW 2017. Please visit them at the following sessions and presentations:

Tuesday, 4 April 16-17:30, Taurus

Session: Project management in the Arctic science – the unknown driver of changes II
Presenter: Robert Rich

Event Dates

The Journal Territorial and Maritime Studies (JTMS) is soliciting submissions for its Summer/Fall 2017 issue. In the interest of increasing submissions for this recently launched publication, JTMS is offering authors of articles successfully passing peer review and selected for publication in the

Event Dates

The K.G. Jebsen Centre for the Law of the Sea (JCLOS) is arranging a summer course for PhD students in Tromsø, Norway.

The course covers methodological aspects of both legal and multi-/interdisciplinary research of relevance to doctoral research in the law of the sea.
The course will train the

Event Dates
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Background and objectives:

With support from NASA Applied Sciences Program, the Alaska Fire Science Consortium (AFSC) is organizing an international workshop to advance remote sensing tools and data for operational and scientific applications by high northern latitude fire ecology and management

The International Arctic Drift Expedition

Event Dates
Prague, Czech Republic

The Multidisciplinary drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate (MOSAiC, www.mosaic-expedition.org) has been designed by an international consortium of leading polar research institutes under the umbrella of IASC.

Rapid changes in the Arctic lead to an urgent need for reliable

Event Dates
Boston, Massachusetts

Registration for the 2017 AAG Annual Meeting is now open. The AAG accepts all submitted abstracts and organized sessions for presentation. Any topic relevant to geography is welcome at the AAG Annual Meeting.

As one of the largest geographic conferences in the world, the AAG Annual Meeting and

Event Dates

We would like to draw your attention to the third year of Students in Polar and Alpine Research Conference that will take place in Brno, Czech Republic at the Department of Geography at Masaryk University.

If you are interested and would like to learn more about a program and how to contribute or

Event Dates
Littleton, Colorado

The 13th annual Polar Technology Conference (PTC) will be hosted by Polar Field Services.

The PTC brings together polar scientists and technology developers to exchange information on research system operational needs and technology solutions for polar environments. This knowledge exchange helps

Education Meets Science: Bringing Polar Research into Classrooms

Event Dates
Rovereto, Italy

This is the third PEI (Polar Educators International) Workshop gathering teachers, educators and scientists working on polar subjects. The aim is to bring world class researchers together with educators interested in polar science and to present current research and share innovative lessons to

Historic comparison and 2017 Spring Outlook – What can we expect?

Event Dates
Online: 10:00 am AKDT, 2:00 pm EDT

With speakers Crane Johnson and Rick Thoman of the National Weather Service.

Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP) will present a brief overview of current conditions and provide our spring statewide flooding potential outlook for the 2017 spring break-up season. This will be