Note that awards listed under the categories of atmosphere, ocean and sea ice, hydrology/cryosphere, terrestrial ecosystems, and data and information management are continuing projects.

New Projects

An Interdisciplinary Monitoring Mooring in the Western Arctic Boundary Current: Climatic Forcing and Ecosystem Response.

Robert Pickart (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution [WHOI]. #0856244, $2,317,495.

Kathleen Stafford (University of Washington [UW]). #0855828, $271,917.

Jeremy Mathis (University of Alaska Fairbanks [UAF]). #0856210, $195,417.

Fire in the Arctic Landscape: Impacts, Interactions, and Links to Global and Regional Environmental Change.

Gus Shaver (Marine Biological Laboratory). #0856853, $911,715.

Integrated Characterization of Energy, Clouds, Atmospheric State, and Precipitation at Summit (ICECAPS).

Von Walden (University of Idaho). #0856773, $898,408.

Matthew Shupe (University of Colorado [CU]). #0856559, $598,504.

David Turner (University of Wisconsin [UWisc]). #0904152, $421,158.

The Circumpolar Active Layer Monitoring Network—CALM III (2009–2014): Long-term Observations on the Climate-Active Layer-Permafrost System.

Nikolay Shiklomanov, Fritz Nelson (University of Delaware). #0856421, $1,662,201.

UpTempO: Measuring the Upper Layer Temperature of the Arctic Ocean.

Michael Steele, Ignatius Rigor (UW). #0856177, $875,222.


A Replacement Laser for the Arctic High Spectral Resolution Lidar.

Ed Eloranta (UWisc). #0856503, $88,773.

Continued Core Atmospheric and Snow Measurements at the Summit, Greenland Environmental Observatory.

Joe McConnell, Roger Bales (Desert Research Institute). #0856845, $1,254,266.

Ultraviolet Radiation in the Arctic.

John Frederick (University of Chicago). #0856268, $696,904.

Ocean and Sea Ice

An Array of Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoys to Directly Observe Turbulent Vertical Fluxes of Heat, Salt, and Momentum as a Component of the Arctic Observing Network.

Timothy Stanton, Richard Krishfield, William Shaw (Naval Postgraduate School). #0856868, $390,107.

An Ocean Observing System for the Bering Strait, the Pacific Gateway to the Arctic—An Integral Part of the Arctic Observing Network.

Rebecca Woodgate, Ronald Lindsay (UW). #0855748, $1,224,449.

Thomas Weingartner, Terry Whitledge (UAF). #0856786, $772,111.

Autonomous Ice Mass Balance Buoys for an Arctic Observing Network.

Jacqueline Richter-Menge, Donald Perovich (U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab [CRREL]). #0856376, $445,555.

Bering Sea Sub Network: A Distributed Human Sensor Array to Detect Arctic Environmental Change.

Victoria Gofman, Patricia Cochran (Aleut International Association). #0856774, $2,499,989.

Lilian Alessa, Andrew Kliskey (University of Alaska Anchorage [UAA]). #0856305, $545,143.

Collaborative Research on the State of the Arctic Sea Ice Cover: Sustaining the Integrated Seasonal Ice Zone Observing Network (SIZONET).

Hajo Eicken, Mark Johnson, Amy Lovecraft, Thomas Heinrichs, Christian Petrich (UAF). #0856867, $251,913.

Don Perovich, Matthew Sturm (CRREL). #0856377, $188,231.

Continuation of the Ice-Tethered Profiler Contribution to the Arctic Observing Network.

John Toole, Carin Ashjian, Andrey Proshutinsky, Richard Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans (WHOI). #0856479, $4,622,113.

Continuing the Beaufort Gyre Observing System to Document and Enhance Understanding Environmental Change in the Arctic.

Andrey Proshutinsky, John Toole, Richard Krishfield, Mary-Louise Timmermans (WHOI). #0856531, $5,274,224.

Coordination, Data Management, and Enhancement of the International Arctic Buoy Programme.

Ignatius Rigor (UW). #0856292, $1,000,000.

Sustained Observations of the North Pole Environment to Characterize Ongoing Arctic Change.

James Morison, Richard Moritz, Andreas Heiberg, Michael Steele (UW). #0856330, $1,050,346.

Robert Collier (Oregon State University). #0856808, $104,428.

Miles McPhee (McPhee Research Company). #0856214, $34,201.


Thermal State of Permafrost (TSP) in North America and Northern Eurasia: The U.S. Contribution to the International Network of Permafrost Observatories (INPO).

Vladimir Romanovsky, Sergey Marchenko (UAF). #0856864, $1,859,861.

Terrestrial Ecosystems

Sustaining and Amplifying the ITEX AON through Automation and Increased Interdisciplinarity of Observations.

Steven Oberbauer, William Gould (Florida International University). #0856710, $1,137,831.

Jeffrey Welker, Patrick Sullivan (UAA). #0856728, $591,914.

Robert Hollister (Grand Valley State University). #0856516, $502,600.

Craig Tweedie (University of Texas El Paso). #0856628, $400,471.

Data and Information Management

ELOKA Phase II: Toward Operational Data Management Support for Community-Based Observations Contributing to the Arctic Observing Network.

Shari Gearheard, Roger Barry, Henry Huntington, Mark Parsons, Chris McNeave (CU). #0856634, $1,968,040.