Applied Physics Lab
University of Washington


Seattle , Washington 98105
United States


Dr. Steele is interested in the large-scale circulation of sea ice and water in the Arctic Ocean. He uses both observational data and numerical model simulations to better understand the average circulation pathways as well as the causes of interannual variations in these pathways. His analysis of ocean observations has focused on the upper layers, which are generally quite cold and fresh. Dr. Steele participates in active field programs in which data are collected in the field by his team and others, using aircraft, ships, and autonomous sensors like buoys and profiling floats. He is also involved with efforts to improve computer models of the arctic marine system, via the Arctic Ocean Model Intercomparison Project, AOMIP.


Sea Ice

Science Specialties

ocean circulation, ocean-atmosphere interactions, sea ice modeling

Current Research

Air-ice-ocean interaction. Water masses of the Arctic Ocean.