Event Type
Webinars and Virtual Events

Speaking: Caroline Erickson (ACCAP Alaska Fellow) and Rick Thoman (ACCAP Climate Specialist)

Event Dates
Online, 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. AKT

Extreme weather and climate events can have dramatic impacts on Alaskans lives and livelihoods but it can be difficult to find information about past events. Alaska Fellow Caroline Erickson has worked with ACCAP over the past nine months and pulled together a variety of information on more than a dozen high impact events around Alaska to create easy to follow fact sheets using the best practices of science communications. This presentation will showcase the process of finding and synthesizing information about past events and crafting that into easy to understand two and four pagers.

Register at the following link for the online event: https://alaska.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwufuGvrj0iGd1uldqCCBK83k6ILO3…