The North American Arctic - the region spanning Alaska, the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Greenland - is increasingly recognized for its distinct landscapes, strong historic and cultural connections between communities and peoples, and rising opportunities for knowledge sharing.
This speaker series invests in the people, opportunities, and strength of the NAA by providing a platform for knowledge sharing, networking, and international collaboration on pressing issues facing the region.
This first event focuses on climate change, bringing together expertise from across the North American Arctic to share knowledge about what is happening now, and what more might be done, to support ethical, equitable climate solutions for the Arctic and the world.
- Dr. Nikoosh Carlo, US Arctic Research Commissioner; Founder & Chief Strategist, CNC North Consulting (Alaska/US)
- Dr. Greg Poelzer, Fulbright Arctic Initiative Co-Lead Scholar; Professor, University of Saskatchewan (Canada)
- Dr. Anna-Sofie Hurup Skjerdeval, Head of Secretariat, Arctic Hub (Greenland)
- Kate Guy, Senior Advisor and Managing Director, Climate Security and Cross-Cutting Issues (Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate Change)
Moderated by Dr. Melody Brown Burkins, Director, Institute of Arctic Studies in the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding, Dartmouth
The North American Arctic Speaker Series is a Joint Project of Dartmouth and U.S. Department of State co-hosted by the Institute of Arctic Studies in the John Sloan Dickey Center for International Understanding and the Office of the U.S. Coordinator for the Arctic Region.