At the AAAS Annual Meeting
Arctic sciences are at the forefront of discovery resulting from research that engages indigenous knowledge and connects to policy decisions about the region. This session will bring together speakers from various disciplines representing multiple organizations to discuss recent achievements in Arctic sciences with respect to fundamental and policy-focused interdisciplinary and international research. Topics to be addressed include examples of Arctic-based research that crosses regional and disciplinary boundaries, and the key methodological strengths of this research, as well as how Arctic-based research could contribute to disciplines and research in other regions, and the role of funding agencies in advancing this exchange.
Andrey Petrov
International Arctic Social Sciences Association, Cedar Falls, IA
Jack Kaye
NASA, Washington, DC
Jessica Graybill
Colgate University, Hamilton, NY
John Farrell
United States Arctic Research Commission, Arlington, VA
Indigenous Knowledge and Interdisciplinary Science in the Arctic
Willie Goodwin, Alaska Waterways Safety Committee, Anchorage, AK
Towards Knowledge Co-production in the Arctic
Dmitry Streletskiy, United States Permafrost Association, Washington, DC
Adaptation Actions to a Changing Arctic in the Bering - Chukchi - Beaufort Region
Larry Hinzman, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK and International Arctic Science Committee
Annual meeting registration and one day registration can be found at the link above.