Event Type
Conferences and Workshops
Event Dates
2018-04-05 - 2018-04-06
Université du Québec à Montréal

The purpose of this 5th International Workshop on Creation, Dissemination and Research on the North and the Arctic is to bring together artists, writers, curators, organizers of cultural events, professors, researchers, and graduate students to enable them to share their expertise, by presenting one of their projects related to the North and the Arctic.

Participants are invited to explain the objectives, interest and assumptions of one of their creation, dissemination or research projects. To promote exchanges and discussions, each intervention must be brief and not longer than 7 minutes. In English, a 7-minute presentation is equivalent to a text of no more than 7,000 characters. For the sake of fairness for all participants and to respect the busy schedule of the day, the presidents of the sessions will be instructed to ask the speakers to complete their intervention within the prescribed time.

To participate, please send a proposal no later than January 31th, 2018, including (a) a title; (b) a summary of 10 lines; (c) a biographical presentation of 5 lines; (d) your status and institutional affiliation; (e) your postal address and email to imaginairedunord [at] uqam.ca.

This workshop is organized by the Research Chair on Images of the North, Winter and the Arctic and the Centre de recherche interuniversitaire sur la littérature et la culture québécoises, part of the Printemps nordique 2018 of the Place des Arts.