Sustaining Forests from Restoration to Conservation
The conference is being hosted by the University of Alberta. The theme of NAFEW 2017 will be: Sustaining Forests from Restoration to Conservation. The conference will include one-day in-conference field trips to see both natural and industrial landscapes.
We have confirmed four keynote speakers and twelve Special Sessions have already been accepted for inclusion in the program. A description of these are provided on the agenda page.
Several in-conference tours are being planned for Wednesday June 21, and will provide opportunities to explore a range of topics relating to forest ecology.
Post-conference tours to Fort McMurray to learn about Oilsands activities and reclamation, to Lac La Biche and environs to learn about poplar management, and to the Rocky Mountains are being planned.
We are inviting submission of abstracts for oral and poster presentations.
Deadline for abstract submission January 31, 2017.
More information, including information on the conference venue, registration fees, accommodation, and abstract submission will be posted on the website as it becomes available.
For more information contact: NAFEW17 [at]