Marine Turbulence Re-visited
The exciting topic of Marine Turbulence will be revisited for the 3rd time during “Marine Turbulence Re-visited” as the 49th Liège Colloquium in 2017.
As already in 2007, the workshop will be co-organised together with the Warnemünde Turbulence Days (its 8th edition), a biennial workshop on specific challenges in marine turbulence, organised by the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research in Warnemünde, Germany.
From decade to decade enormous progress is achieved in our understanding of marine turbulence. A major trigger of this progress is the technological development of oceanic instrumentation, numerical modeling and theory. For the instruments, higher sampling rates, larger data storages and faster data processing facilities generally allow for better resolution but do also open perspectives for novel mechanical, acoustical and optical devices. For the numerical modeling, steadily growing computer resources allow for substantially more complex models and higher resolution than a decade ago. The theory of marine turbulence has further developed towards concepts linking small-scale turbulence, internal waves, surface waves, and (sub)meso-scale dynamics. Tight collaboration between marine and atmospheric scientists in all these fields has substantially triggered progress in the field of geophysical turbulence.
Combining the historically broad approach of the Liège Colloquium with the specialized Warnemünde Turbulence Days, this joint venture will concentrate on five focal topics:
- Turbulence-wave-interaction
- Turbulence-(sub)mesoscale interaction
- Turbulence and the marine ecosystem
- Turbulence observations in the ocean
- Turbulence modelling in the ocean
Contributions to these focal topics as well as to related problems of marine turbulence are invited to the Liège Colloquium in 2017.
Further details (submission, registration, deadlines, venue, ...) are available on the web site.
Submission of abstracts deadline: 30th January 2017
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Liège in the name of the Organizing Committee.
Jean-Marie Beckers, Ulg, Belgium
Hans Burchard, IOW, Germany
Carsten Eden, UH, Germany
Lars Umlauf, IOW, Germany