Dear Colleague,
Gordon Research Conference Applications
Recently I sent you a message explaining that the applications for the 1999
Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Polar Marine Science were open. We are
now processing the applications received so far. The Conference is rapidly
filling up. If you were interested in attending the GRC and did not apply
as yet, I recommend that you do it as soon as possible. Because all GRCs
are limited to a maximum number of 135 participants, including the
Discussion Leaders and Speakers, we will be unable to accept late
The application procedure is as follows:
Go to the GRC WEB site, at
On the front page, click: Attending a Conference.
On the page "Attending a Gordon Conference", click: On-Line Application.
Follow the instructions and fill all the boxes.
- The name of the Conference is: Polar Marine Science
- The location is: Ventura
- The date is: 7-12 March 1999
You will receive an answer from the GRC Office within a few weeks after
applying (the processing of applications will start in mid-September).Once your application is accepted, you must register. The cost of
registration, which includes the room and meals from the afternoon of
Sunday 7 March through the morning of Friday 12 March, will be US$630
before 14 February 1999 and US$680 after that date. These rates are for a
double room, to be shared with another participant. Single rooms are
available, at the cost of US$725 (or US$775 for registration after 14
February). All participants must attend the Conference for its full
duration. Guests are allowed, at a reduced registration fee. No guests or
children are allowed in the lecture room.
I look forward to seeing you in Ventura, this coming March.
Louis Legendre, Chair
GRC on Polar Marine Science
Note to Arcticinfo subscribers from Moderator:
This conference was first announced on September 10, 1998 in Arcticinfo.
The conference schedule can be read in the Arctic Info archives.
Open up and do a search
on "Gordon" and you will find it. All the Arcticinfo archives (since