
Position Available:
Principal Investigator/Physical Oceanography
The Prince William Sound Science Center (PWSSC)
Cordova, Alaska

For more information, including a detailed position description see:

Position open until filled

Principal Investigator/Physical Oceanography. The Prince William Sound
Science Center (PWSSC), located in Cordova, Alaska, is seeking
candidates for a full-time position which is supported entirely by
external research funding generated by the Principal Investigator (PI).
The PI is responsible for all aspects of the physical oceanography
program at PWSSC, including proposal planning and preparation, planning
and conducting oceanographic cruises, data collection and analysis,
report writing, presentations at scientific and non-scientific meetings,
and publications in peer reviewed journals. The PI is specifically
responsible for the observational physical oceanography component of a
multi-disciplinary research program aimed at developing an operational
nowcast/forecast system for Prince William Sound (PWS) which requires
continuing collaboration and periodic interaction with the OPEL modeling
group at RSMAS, University of Miami.

Requirements: PhD in physical oceanography or closely related
discipline. Postdoctoral experience preferred. The candidate must be
self-motivated, and capable of working both independently and within an
interdisciplinary team. Knowledge of FORTRAN, C++, IDL, GMT and/or
MATLAB, and expertise in quantitative data analysis and time series
analysis techniques are required. The candidate must be able to spend
up to one week at a time at sea. Preference will be given to candidates
with experience in oceanographic field programs, and who are familiar
with oceanographic instrumentation. Preference will be given to
candidates with strong publication records.

Salary: Negotiable, depending on qualifications. Minimum salary is
$54,000. Excellent benefit package.

Application deadline: Position is open until filled.

To Apply: See Detailed position description at Send a one-page cover letter with research
interests, and the names and contact information of three references,
along with a curriculum vita by email to: Nancy Bird, President - email:
bird [at]

For further information, visit these web sites: