
Position Announcement
Director, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
University of Colorado at Boulder

Application Deadline: Monday, 22 October 2007

For further information, please go to:

Inquiries should be directed to:
E-mail: aardir [at]

The University of Colorado at Boulder seeks applications for the
position of Director of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research
(INSTAAR). The director will be INSTAAR's Chief Executive Officer, with
primary responsibilities of management, financial oversight, and
reporting. The successful candidate will also be a tenured Professor in
a department appropriate to the candidate's training and interest. The
University seeks applicants with an outstanding record of scholarly
achievement, leadership, and managerial ability in interdisciplinary
research. Candidates must be able to balance the management of INSTAAR
with a vigorous research program and a commitment to graduate education.

INSTAAR is internationally recognized in the earth and environmental
sciences, with a strong tradition in the study of Earth's high-altitude
and high-latitude regions. While such regions remain a focus at
INSTAAR, members of the Institute conduct environmental research on all
major oceans and landmasses. INSTAAR develops scientific knowledge of
physical, biogeochemical and biotic processes in human and ecosystem
ecology, hydrology, glaciology, oceanography, landscape evolution,
biogeochemistry, and climate in a wide range of Quaternary and modern
environments. INSTAAR is connected to seven academic departments,
administers the Mountain Research Station, and maintains important ties
with Front Range federal labs including the U.S. Geological Survey
(USGS), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and
the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). For more
information on INSTAAR, please go to:

The search committee welcomes nominations of potential candidates.
Applications, nominations, or questions should be sent to:
aardir [at] Applications should include a letter of interest,
current CV, and the names of four people who are willing to submit
letters of recommendation. Review of applications will begin on Monday,
22 October 2007, and continue until the position is filled. The
expected start date for this position is 1 August 2008.