
Second Call for Papers
Journal of the North Atlantic

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Joerg-Henner Lotze, Publisher
Journal of the North Atlantic
E-mail: jona [at]

Contributions are invited for Journal of the North Atlantic (JONA), a
new multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed and edited archaeology and
environmental history journal focused on the peoples of the North
Atlantic, their expansion into the region over time, and their
interactions with their changing environment. The first issue is
scheduled to be released in spring 2008.

The Journal of the North Atlantic will publish a wide diversity of
research papers, as well as research summaries and general interest
articles in closely related disciplines, which will contribute to a
comprehensive multi-disciplinary understanding of the historical
interplay between cultural and environmental changes in the North
Atlantic world.

Specifically, the journal's focus will include paleo-environmental
reconstruction and modeling, historical ecology, archaeology, ecology of
organisms important to humans, anthropology, human/environment/climate
interactions, climate history, ethnography, ethnohistory, historical
analyses, discussions of cultural heritage, and place-name studies.

The journal will also publish field observations, notes, and
archaeological site reports, as well as book reviews, summaries of
important news stories, opinion papers, and free brief announcements of
meetings, symposia, conferences, and grant opportunities.

The journal is part of the database, which allows authors to
include supporting files such as video, database, and audio files, as
well as color photographs and figures with articles.

Information for contributors is available at: