
Teleconference Invitation
Second International Conference on Arctic Research Planning (ICARP
II) Final Report

For further information and to access the final report, please go to:

A multinational, interdisciplinary teleconference is being held on
Monday, 26 November 2007, at 10:00 a.m. Eastern Standard Time (U.S. East
Coast) to discuss and promote community-wide understanding of the final
report of the Second International Conference on Arctic Research
Planning (ICARP II). The teleconference will be hosted by Robert Corell,
chair of the ICARP II Steering Group, in conjunction with Resource
Media. International toll-free numbers have been set up so that people
from around the globe may participate in the teleconference. Call-in
numbers and instructions are below.

The final report, including all chapters and the Overview Document, is
available at:

The teleconference will include opening comments by Dr. Corell as well
as summary statements by some of the lead authors and Steering Group
members, including Dr. Heidi Kassens, addressing chapters dealing with
marine issues; Dr. Torben Christensen, addressing terrestrial issues;
Dr. Vladimir Ryabinin, addressing chapters dealing with the cryosphere,
weather, and modeling; and Dr. Lars Kullerud, addressing chapters
related to social sciences, public interest, and sustainability.
Participants will be invited to address questions to these experts.

In particular, representatives from funding agencies are invited to
consider the science plans set forth by the ICARP II process and address
specific questions to those most intimately involved in the development
of the science plans.

Background Information:
Held in Copenhagen on 10-12 November 2005, ICARP II brought together
over 450 scientists, policy makers, research managers, Indigenous
Peoples, and others interested in and concerned about the future of
arctic research.

The conference was a culmination of a 24-month planning process
involving over 140 scientists in 12 Working Groups that developed
science plans around twelve critical research themes identified by the
conference sponsors based upon input from the science and arctic
community at large. Conference participants were actively involved in
modifying and improving these plans. The ultimate goal of the ICARP II
process is to initiate and implement forward-looking research projects.

Teleconference Call-in Instructions:
The teleconference will take place on Monday, 26 November 2007, at 10:00
a.m. Eastern Standard Time (U.S. East Coast). Toll-free numbers are
listed below. For the first 30 minutes of the call participants will be
in a listen-only mode. When the panel has completed its reports,
participants will be given instructions on how to address questions.

PASSCODE for all callers: 72095

1-800-290-9461 (USA)
1-888-259-2914 (Canada)
080-009-2358 (UK)
080-011-8936 (Finland)
800-117-34 (Norway)
020-793-747 (Sweden)
808-834-76 (Denmark)
080-002-3308-2 (The Netherlands)
080-018-2450-8 (Germany)
080-090-6627 (France)

Participants from other countries must use the following number, which
is a toll number: 1-334-323-7224.