
New Master's Program in Circumpolar Health and Well-being
University of Oulu, Finland, and Partner Universities

Application Deadline: Monday, 31 March 2008

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Kirsi Latola
E-mail: Kirsi.latola [at]

The new Master's Program in Circumpolar Health and Well-being (MCH) is
an international two-year program open for students holding a Bachelor
degree or equivalent in Health Sciences. MCH is established and managed
in collaboration by the following partner universities: University of
Oulu, Finland (Centre for Arctic Medicine and Department of Health
Sciences); Center for Health Education, Greenland/University of Southern
Denmark; Lulea University of Technology, Sweden; Northern State Medical
University, Russia; Pomor State University, Russia; University of
Lapland, Finland; and University of Manitoba, Canada.

Northern environment places specific demands on the delivery of health
care and well-being services in the North. The ongoing changes in
climate, environment, and social structures have significant influence
on the health and well-being of Northern residents, as well as on
cultures across the borders in the Northern region. MCH graduates will
be capable to act as professionals in multidisciplinary fields of health
and well-being, e.g., administrative and managerial positions in health
care services and health promotion, as well as in education,
development, planning, and research.

The program consists of an online course package, on-site studies,
exchange period, and theses. The minimum requirement for studies at the
University of Oulu is 15 ECTS. Program has no tuition fees, however
students are responsible for their own living costs.

The application deadline is Monday, 31 March 2008.

For further information, including application instructions please go to: