
Undergraduate Student Internship Opportunity
Inuit Environmental Health
Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments
Quebec, Canada

Application Deadline: Friday, 18 April 2008

For information and complete application details, please contact:
Susie Bernier
Phone: 418-656-4141 ext 46516
E-mail: susie.bernier [at]

For further information on the Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and
Changing Environments, please go to:

The Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and Changing Environments is a
multidisciplinary research and training centre funded by the Institute
of Aboriginal Peoples Health (IAPH), one of the 13 institutes of the
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The Nasivvik Centre is
focused on building capacity in Inuit health research through trainee
support and promoting research in specific areas of Inuit environmental
health. The three theme areas, as they pertain to community responses to
environmental change, and in particular issues related to Inuit health
and well-being are:
- Food
- Water
- Natural/traditional medicines and remedies

The Nasivvik Centre is pleased to announce its fifth call for
applications for summer undergraduate internships in Inuit environmental
health. Nasivvik Centre will provide funding for students to gain
experience by participating in research during the summer months

The selection of recipients for the awards will be based upon the
following criteria:
- Training program/environment for the student.
- Fit with key themes of Nasivvik Centre.

Students will be expected to submit a 3-page report to the Nasivvik
Centre upon the completion of their summer work by September 26, 2008
(format to be provided). Supervisors will be requested to aid the
students in identifying any outcomes of their summer research experience.

The closing date for applications is Friday, April 18, 2008, 5:00 pm
EDT. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

For more information and complete application details, contact:
Susie Bernier
Executive director
Centre Nasivvik Centre (CDCARS Laval ACADRE)
Edifice Delta 2, Bureau 600
2875, Boulevard Laurier, 6e etage
Quebec, Quebec G1V 2M2
Phone: 418-656-4141 ext 46516
E-mail: susie.bernier [at]

For further information on the Nasivvik Centre for Inuit Health and
Changing Environments, please go to: