
Doctoral Student Position Available
Carbon Gas Exchange in A Climate Sensitive Subarctic Landscape:
Contribution of Lakes to Mire Complex Fluxes
Department of Geology and Geochemistry, Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden

Application Deadline: Friday, 4 July 2008

For further information, please contact:
Patrick Crill
Email: patrick.crill [at]

The Department of Geology and Geochemistry, at Stockholm University,
invites applications for a four-year doctoral studentship in: Carbon Gas
Exchange in a Climate Sensitive Subarctic Landscape: Contribution of
Lakes to Mire Complex Fluxes. Seasonally and permanently frozen
peatlands and their associated ponds and lakes at high latitudes
represent an important challenge in understanding atmosphere biosphere
interactions and climate land surface feedbacks. Ponds and lakes
receive, transport and are sites of transformation of carbon from
terrestrial ecosystems. Some of that carbon is stored in the sediments,
but a large portion is emitted to the atmosphere as methane (CH4) and
carbon dioxide (CO2). Quantification of lake atmosphere exchange is
therefore critical to understanding landscape level carbon dynamics.

The goal of this project is to quantify the effects of physical and
biological controls of the exchange of carbon trace gases in a dynamic
mire and lake landscape that is changing due to regional warming. The
project designers hope to develop a biogeochemical understanding that
can be linked to the physics via addressing the flow of carbon from
land, to lakes, to exchange with the atmosphere. The project is now
recruiting a student that will develop his / her doctoral research
within the context of the goals of this project.

This is a cooperative project with colleagues at the University
California at Santa Barbara, the State University of New York in Albany,
and the Department of Geology and Geochemistry, at Stockholm University.
The joint effort reflects the interdisciplinary scope of the project
that will combine elements of boundary layer dynamics, physical
limnology and biogeochemistry. The program will be an intensive field
measurement program, with most of the fieldwork located in northern

Applicants should have an undergraduate degree in geochemistry,
biogeochemistry, marine chemistry, chemistry, physical limnology,
meteorology or similar discipline and meet the requirements for
admission to the PhD program in Geochemistry at the Department of
Geology and Geochemistry, at Stockholm University. The starting date is

The application, citing the reference number SU 617-1787-08, should
arrive no later than Friday, 4 July 2008. Applications should include:
- A personal letter expressing interest in the project
- Two personal letters of reference
- A resume including, name, address, telephone number, email address,
education (degrees), work experience, abstracts/publications, and
description of any research skills or experience
- Transcripts of all university courses and degrees

Please mail applications to:
Stockholm University
S-106 91 Stockholm
Applications via email (registrator [at] or fax: +46-8-163-866 will be
accepted, but must immediately be complemented by a signed hard-copy

For additional information, please contact:
Patrick Crill
Email: patrick.crill [at]