
Meeting Announcement and Call for Abstracts
Lessons from Continuity and Change in the Fourth International Polar
4-7 March 2009
University of Alaska Fairbanks

Deadline for abstract submission: 15 November 2008
Deadline for early registration: 31 December 2008

For further information, please go to:

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the Inland Northwest
Research Alliance (INRA) are now accepting abstracts and registration
for their co-hosted symposium, Lessons from Continuity and Change in the
Fourth International Polar Year, to be held 4-7 March 2009 at UAF.

Oral and poster presentation abstracts should be submitted via the
symposium website at:

by 15 November 2008.

Accepted presentations will be programmed into thematic sessions focused
on pressing aspects of rapid change. Natural, social and geophysical
sciences are all encouraged to submit proposals, and presentations may
be of disciplinary or interdisciplinary nature. Abstract submissions are
encouraged to note their topical interests. Chosen presenters of oral
and poster abstracts will be eligible to apply for travel awards to this

Questions may be addressed to the Science Committee Chair,
Amy Lovecraft, at: ffall [at]

Planned Thematic Sessions:
- Coastal and Rural Communities: Vulnerabilities and Adaptations,
- Oil and Gas Development: Balancing Interests with Sustainability,
- The Futures of Marine Ecosystems,
- Freshwater Systems: Hydrological Security in the Face of Rapid Change,
- Local, Traditional and Indigenous Knowledges.

Planned Cross-Cutting Sessions:
- Stakeholder Participation in Complex Multi-User Systems,
- Questions of Scale and Knowledge in Observation from Local to Remote
- University-Community-Industry: Partnerships to Inform Policy

Authors will be notified by 15 December 2008 if the paper is accepted, and
will be requested to prepare a short synopsis (~ 5 pages) that will
be peer-reviewed by the session chair and review panel and considered
for publication in the symposium proceedings. The deadline for the
synopsis papers will be 1 February 2009. Late papers may not be

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Michelle Rutledge
Phone: 208-524-4800
Email: mrutledge [at]