
Initial Workshop Announcement
Instrumentation Needs and Readiness Levels for Ocean Observing
NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative
Portland, Oregon
12-13 March 2009

For further information, please contact:
Mario Tamburri
Email: tamburri [at]

Lorraine Brasseur
Email: lbrasseur [at]

A workshop, sponsored by the NSF Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)
Program Office, has been scheduled for 12-13 March 2009, in Portland,
Oregon. The workshop, "Instrumentation Needs and Readiness Levels for
Ocean Observing," will seek to engage members of the technology
development and manufacturing communities with scientific, engineering,
and agency ocean observing communities in a discussion of OOI
requirements and supplier capabilities.

Background and Foci:
The processes that actively shape the earth and ultimately impact
society must be investigated over the spatial and temporal scales at
which they occur. To characterize the processes occurring in the ocean,
new types of infrastructure are needed that are capable of providing
long-term, high-resolution observations of critical environmental
parameters. In order to provide the U.S. ocean sciences research and
management communities with access to the basic infrastructure required
to make sustained, long-term and adaptive measurements in the oceans,
the NSF's Ocean Sciences Division has developed the OOI. The OOI is an
outgrowth of many years of community-wide scientific planning efforts,
both nationally and internationally. As these efforts mature, the
research-focused observatory network enabled by the OOI will be an
important collaborator with the Integrated Ocean Observing System
(IOOS), the operationally-focused national system, and NSF sponsored
programs such as EarthScope and the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program.
The success of these efforts is based in large part on identifying
effective and reliable in situ instrumentation as observing networks are
being designed, deployed and expanded.

Logistics, Dates, and Location:
This workshop will be open to all interested suppliers and manufacturers
of the marine sensors and instrumentation identified as part of the OOI
Final Network Design. Registration will be required. The workshop will
take place 12-13 March 2009 in Portland, Oregon. Additional details and
information will be available shortly at:

For further information about this workshop, please contact:
Mario Tamburri
Email: tamburri [at]

Lorraine Brasseur
Email: lbrasseur [at]