
Shortened Registration Deadline
Beringia Days 2009
U.S. National Park Service
Anadyr, Russia

Shortened Registration Deadline: Thursday, 9 July 2009

For further information, please contact:
Katerina Wessels
Email: Katerina_Wessels [at]
Phone: 907-644-3602

The Russian organizers of the 2009 Beringia Days have shortened the
deadline for foreign nationals wishing to obtain permission to enter
Chukotka for the meeting. The new registration deadline is Thursday, 9
July 2009.

Anyone interested in attending Beringia Days 2009, to be held 18-20
September 2009 in Anadyr, Chukotka, Russia, must obtain special
permission to enter the territory. Obtaining permission is free, and
once you have permission to enter, you do not need to confirm your
attendance until mid-August. If you are interested in attending Beringia
Days 2009, please email the following information to Katerina Wessels
(Katerina_Wessels [at] no later than Thursday, 9 July 2009:
- First, middle, and last names;
- Date of birth (including day, month, and year);
- Your state and place of birth;
- Your country and region of permanent residence;
- Your country of citizenship;
- Passport number;
- Passport issuing country;
- Date of passport issue;
- Date of passport expiration;
- The name, address, phone number, and email address of your place of
- Your position title;
- Your work telephone number and area code;
- Your home telephone number and area code;
- Your residence address, including zip code;
- Your education;
- A list of equipment you plan to bring (photo, video, or other
recording equipment, GPS or other scientific equipment, including the
serial number and manufacturer);
- A list of printed materials you plan to bring (please include the
title, theme, and ISBN number); and
- A scanned image of the data page on your passport.

If you have any questions, please contact
Katerina Wessels, Shared Beringian Program Specialist
Phone: 907-644-3602
Cell: 907-350-6966
Email: Katerina_Wessels [at]