
Multiple Positions Available

  1. Dartmouth seeks Applicants to the Integrative Graduate Education
    and Research Traineeship Program
    Hanover, New Hampshire

  2. Government of Nunavut Employment Opportunities
    Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada

  3. RJI Capital Corporation seeks Consultant
    Web-based Employment

  1. Dartmouth seeks Applicants to the Integrative Graduate Education
    and Research Traineeship Program
    Hanover, New Hampshire

Dartmouth is seeking applicants for the National Science Foundation
(NSF) Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT)
program in Polar Environmental Change. The program is based in Hanover,
New Hampshire.

Polar systems are at the forefront of global change science research.
IGERT is an interdisciplinary graduate program in polar sciences and
engineering that merges expertise and facilities from the science and
engineering departments at Dartmouth College with the U.S. Army Cold
Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), creating one of the
premier centers of scientific expertise in polar research. The
investment of Dartmouth's Dickey Center for International Understanding
and its Institute of Arctic Studies in forming relationships with
Greenlandic institutions and Inuit leaders provides the opportunity for
intensive field training in Greenland where science, policy, and
indigenous issues of the North can be explored. Collectively these
experiences provide rigorous training in polar and related sciences, and
produce scientists with an advanced knowledge of the role of science in
policy and the ethics of conducting research with indigenous people.
More information on the Dartmouth IGERT program is available at

Research training is coupled with a coordinated core curriculum that
focuses on three components of arctic or Antarctic systems responding to
rapid change in climate:

- The cryosphere - glacial ice, snow, sea ice systems;
- Terrestrial ecosystems and biogeochemical linkages between the
soil, plant, and animal systems; and
- Human systems - the process of policy making in political and
social systems where western science and traditional knowledge
provide information.

Prospective students in the Dartmouth Polar Environmental Change IGERT
should be interested in research focused on polar research questions.
Applicants should apply to a specific graduate program or professional
school at Dartmouth College and express their interest in the IGERT
Program. The major Dartmouth graduate programs participating in IGERT
are Biological Sciences (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology), Earth
Sciences, and Engineering Sciences. Admission to the IGERT program is
contingent upon admission to the specific graduate program to which an
applicant applies. Applicants should visit the Dartmouth IGERT website
for information on participating departments, requirements, and
application procedures:

The Dartmouth IGERT program encourages applications from minorities,
women, and individuals with disabilities. Dartmouth IGERT especially
seeks to engage with Native American students, by offering a graduate
science program that is relevant to their individual needs and those of
their communities.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact
The IGERT Program Manager
Email: IGERT [at]

The IGERT Principal Investigator, Ross Virginia
Email: Ross.Virginia [at]

  1. Government of Nunavut Employment Opportunities
    Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada

The Government of Nunavut has four employment opportunities available in
the area of arctic biology. The positions are all within the Department
of the Environment, and are based in Igloolik, Nunavut, Canada:

- Wildlife Biologist, Legislation and Management
- Wildlife Biologist, Polar Bears
- Biologist, Ecosystems
- Manager, Wildlife Research

Further information about these opportunities can be found under the
'Qikiqtaaluk Region' listings at:

Application Deadline: Friday, 13 November 2009.

To apply, please contact the Department of Human Resources at:

  1. RJI Capital Corporation seeks Consultant
    Web-based Employment

RJI Capital Corporation seeks a project-based consultant to provide
content for a new arctic information website and monthly news bulletin
that is targeted at the international expert community. The position is
part time for three months, on a consultancy basis, and will be
primarily web-based, although some travel may be required.

The successful applicant will have thorough knowledge of current issues
facing the arctic region, including natural resources, ecology,
security, shelf section, and climate change. Excellent writing and
research skills are required; some knowledge of website functionality is
preferable. The applicant can be a PhD student or a Masters student with
an exceptional track record in independent research. Graduates will also
be considered. The ideal candidate will have a wide personal network of
experts, scientists, and policymakers. Command of the English language
is required, and knowledge of Russian is considered an asset.

Content for the website should be a combination of original and current
material collected from diverse sources that include text, audio, and
video. Original material will include regional and international news
relating to the Arctic; interviews with major arctic experts,
researchers, and explorers; and academic research and surveys.

To apply, please send a curriculum vitae, motivation letter, and writing
sample to Dijana Kadic at: Dijana.Kadic [at]

Application Deadline: Friday, 20 November 2009.

For further information, please contact:
Dijana Kadic
Email: Dijana.Kadic [at]