
Internship and Masters Projects Available
University Centre in Svalbard
Arctic Biology Department
Longyearbyen, Norway

For further information, please contact:
Pernille Bronken Eidesen
Email: pernillee [at]

The Arctic Biology Department at the University Centre in Svalbard
(UNIS) has received funding for a Norwegian-Russian collaborative
project entitled "Puccinellia in the European Arctic - who is who, who
is where, and why?" UNIS is currently seeking Masters and internship
applicants for the project.


Connected to this project, UNIS suggests several master projects.
Details on project possibilities are available by downloading the file
available at: The application
deadline for the Masters projects is Tuesday, 1 June 2010.

For further information on the Masters projects, please go to:

Or contact:
Pernille Bronken Eidesen
Email: pernillee [at]

Anne Brysting
Email: a.k.brysting [at]


The internship is offered to Russian Masters students, PhD students, or
young researchers connected to a Russian university. Applicants must be
studying within the field of biology specialized in molecular
systematics, phylogeny, phylogeography, or a related field. The
successful candidate will be given responsibility for a sub-project (can
be developed to a masters project), and will be trained in molecular
laboratory work and analyses of genetic data. The internship is for a
four-month stay at UNIS during fall 2010 or spring 2011.

For further information on the internship, please go to:

Or contact:

Pernille Bronken Eidesen
Email: pernillee [at]