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First Name Last Name Email
Pham Quang ffpxq@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Mathematical Sciences

Title: retired

Specialties: mathematics, natural resources management, wildlife

Current Research: Design of sampling plans to assess natural resource abundance.

Helen Quested helen.quested@botan.su.se

Organization: Stockholm University

Department: Botanical Institute

Specialties: plant ecology, decomposition

Current Research: Decomposability of plant litter. Role of perrenial hemiparasites (Bartsia, Pedicularis spp.) in ecosystems, particularly nutrient cycling.

Terrance Quinn II terry.quinn@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences (SFOS) - Juneau Center

Specialties: biomathematics, fish populations, fisheries management

Current Research: Bering Sea walleye pollock. Bering Sea herring. Stock assessment of commercially important fishes. Fisheries management in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea. Overfishing.

Lufti Raad fflr@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Specialties: pavements engineering, materials engineering, soil mechanics

Current Research: Pavements, materials and soils.

Jaakko Raatikainen jaakko.raatikainen@helsinki.fi

Organization: University of Helsinki

Title: student

Specialties: fisheries management

Grzegorz Rachlewicz grzera@amu.edu.pl

Organization: Adam Mickiewicz University

Department: Institute of Quaternary Research and Geoecology

Specialties: glacial geology, geomorphology, glaciology

Current Research: Contemporary glacial processes in marginal zones of Spitsbergen glaciers (Hornsund, Billefjorden). Development of the glacial relief of Wedel Jarlsberg Land, Dickson Land, and Olav V. Land, Spitsbergen.

Eike Rachor erachor@awi.de

Organization: Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research

Department: Department of Comparative Ecosystem Research

Specialties: aquatic ecology, aquatic biology, benthic ecology

Current Research: Benthic ecology of the deep Arctic Ocean. Shelf ecology in the Barents, Kara, Laptev, and White Seas. Use of particulate organic matter by macro-zoobenthos. Biogeographical zonations. Diversity patterns.

Charles Racine charles_racine@yahoo.com

Specialties: ecology, botany, wetlands

Current Research: Wetland/permafrost relationships in the Tanana Flats, Interior Alaska. Subarctic salt marsh ecosystems in coastal Alaska.

Richard Raddatz raddatz@cc.umanitoba.ca

Organization: Centre of Earth Observation Science (University of Manitoba)

Department: Clayton H. Ridell Faculty of Environment, Earth and Resources

Title: Research Associate

Specialties: atmospheric sciences

Richard Radtke radtke@hawaii.edu

Organization: University of Hawaii at Manoa

Department: Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology - SOEST

Specialties: fish populations, biological oceanography

Current Research: Plasticity of life history traits in arctic charr: use of retrospective data to couple migration data with environmental variations.

Hans-Joachim Raetz raetz.ish@bfa-fisch.de

Organization: Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

Department: Institute for Sea Fisheries

Specialties: fish populations, fisheries management, fisheries

Current Research: Demersal fish stocks in the North Atlantic, Europe, Norway, Greenland, Iceland, Canada.

Bamidele Raheem braheem@ulapland.fi

Organization: Arctic Centre, University of Lapland

Department: Northern Institute for Environmental & Minority Law

Title: Senior Researcher, Arctic Centre

Specialties: Food Science, Food Microbiology, Food Engineering, Food Biotechnology

Current Research: Food and Nutrition security in the Arctic-Barents region, Food Digitalization, Food Security and Safety

Martin Raillard martin.raillard@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Canadian Wildlife Service

Title: Wildlife Biologist

Specialties: ecology, endangered species, remote sensing

Current Research: Endangered species. Remote sensing. Environmental monitoring. Plant-herbivore interactions. Muskox.

Robert Rainbird rrainbir@nrcan.gc.ca

Organization: Natural Resources Canada

Department: Geological Survey of Canada - Continental Geoscience Division

Title: Research Scientist

Specialties: sedimentology, stratigraphy

Current Research: Precambrian sedimentary basins of the Canadian Arctic Islands.

Michael Ram phymram@buffalo.edu

Organization: University at Buffalo

Department: Department of Physics

Specialties: climate change

Current Research: GISP2.

Joan Ramage jmr204@lehigh.edu

Organization: Lehigh University

Department: Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences

Title: Assistant Professor

Specialties: glacial geomorphology, cryospheric remote sensing, snow characteristics

Bruce Ramsay bruce.ramsay@ec.gc.ca

Organization: Environment and Climate Change Canada

Department: Canadian Ice Service

Title: Chief, Remote Sensing and Modeling

Specialties: sea ice, remote sensing, navigation

Current Research: Development of operational information products from remote sensing and numerical modeling to support an operational ice service for marine navigation.

Peter Ramsden ramsden@mcmaster.ca

Organization: McMaster University

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Adjunct Professor

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology

Current Research: Central Arctic archipelago. Paleo-Eskimo (pre-Dorset, Dorset). Thule Eskimo. Settlement and subsistence.

Rene Ramseier icedoctors@igs.net

Organization: Microwave Group-Ottawa River, Inc.

Title: Senior Partner

Specialties: cryospheric remote sensing, biological oceanography, marine sedimentology

Current Research: Sedimentation under the seasonal sea-ice cover, Arctic and Antarctic. Effect of particulate organic carbon on the life cyle of shrimps.

Grigorij Ranavroltyn nauka@anadyr.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: The laboratory of traditional natural resources and ethnological investigations

Title: Scientific researcher; Head of the laboratory

Specialties: Native education

Current Research: The grammatic and vocabulary of Chukchi language, linguistic. Chukotka, Jakutija (Saha), Korjakija

David Randall randall@redfish.atmos.colostate.edu

Organization: Colorado State University

Department: Department of Atmospheric Science

Title: Chief Editor, Journal of Climate-American Meteorological Society

Specialties: atmospheric sciences, climate modeling, meteorology

Current Research: Modeling of the large-scale structure of boundary layer clouds over sea ice, to understand the interaction of the two.

Cora Randall cora.randall@lasp.colorado.edu

Organization: University of Colorado Boulder

Department: Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

Specialties: atmospheric chemistry, atmospheric physics, remote sensing

Current Research: Polar Ozone and Aerosol Measurement (POAM) team member.

Tuija Rankama trankama@gmail.com

Organization: University of Helsinki

Department: Department of Archaeology

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, human adaptation

Current Research: The Lapland Pioneers project studies the earliest eastern immigration to northern Lapland, with a starting point in the Sujala site in Utsjoki, Finland. The project is currently (2009-2014) funded by the Academy of Finland. The Sujala site is a short-time camp with a large blade production assemblage unique in Finland and northern Scandinavia. The research topics include blade technology, paleoenvironment, colonization, and comparative research of the blade assemblages in neighboring countries.

Jon Ranson jon.ranson@nasa.gov

Organization: U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Department: Goddard Space Flight Center

Title: Branch Head

Specialties: forest ecology, remote sensing, climate change

Current Research: Studying ecosystem change and response to climate in Siberian high latitude forests. Interested in permafrost change and impacts on ecosystems and feedbacks to climate. We are working extensively with Sukachev Institute of Forest in Krasnoyarsk, Russia.

Joerg Rapp joerg.rapp@dwd.de

Organization: Deutscher Wetterdienst

Department: Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC)

Specialties: climatology, hydrology

Current Research: ACSYS-Arctic Precipitation Data Archive (APDA).