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First Name Last Name Email
Anuschka Polder anuschka.polder@veths.no

Organization: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Department: Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology

Specialties: environmental toxicology

Current Research: AMAP-projects

Alexei Polezhaev berkutenko@yandex.ru

Organization: Institute of Biological Problems of the North

Department: Laboratory of Botany

Title: Head of Lab, Professor, PhD

Specialties: caribou, reindeer, mapping

Current Research: Reindeer and caribou. Geographic information systems.

Dwight Pollard auclima@cwolf.alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Anchorage

Department: Office State Climate Center

Title: Alaska State Climatologist

Specialties: climatology, oceanography, data processing/analysis

Wayne Pollard wayne.pollard@mcgill.ca

Organization: McGill University

Department: Department of Geography

Title: Associate Professor

Specialties: permafrost terrains, geomorphology, climate change

Current Research: Permafrost hydrology of perennial springs in the Canadian High Arctic. Study of massive ground ice (nature, origin, and role in landscape development) in both the High Arctic and western Arctic and its potential sensitivity to climate change.

Anatoliy Polomoshnov ice@smng.com

Organization: Rosneft-Sakhalinmorneftegas Ojsc

Department: Sakhalin Oil and Gas Research Institute

Title: Head of Ice Research Laboratory

Specialties: ice mechanics, ice drilling, ice engineering

Current Research: Okhotsk Sea. Sakhalin offshore. Arctic regions.

Leonid Polyak polyak.1@osu.edu

Organization: Ohio State University

Department: Byrd Polar Research Center

Specialties: paleoceanography, marine geology, glacial geology

Current Research: Quaternary paleoceanography, stratigraphy, and glacial geology of the Arctic Ocean. Current focus is on the history of arctic sea ice and related oceanographic changes including the development of arctic biota Science Disciplines continued: Paleontology

Igor Polyakov ivpolyakov@alaska.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: International Arctic Research Center (IARC)

Title: Research Professor

Specialties: oceanography, ice, modeling

Yelena Polyakova polyakova@geogr.msu.su

Organization: Moscow State University

Specialties: paleoceanography, micropaleontology, biostratigraphy

Current Research: INTAS - The Pechora Sea - Late Pleistocene paleogeography, present state of coastal zone and forecast for the 21st century. Laptev Sea System (Russian-German Multidisciplinary Project). Siberian River run-off (Russian-German Kara Sea Project).

John Pomeroy john.pomeroy@usask.ca

Organization: University of Saskatchewan

Department: Centre for Hydrology

Title: Professor and Canada Research Chair

Specialties: snow, hydrology, cryosphere

Current Research: Cold regions hydrology. Snow accumulation and ablation processes. . Cryosphere-atmosphere interactions. Modeling snow processes. Blowing snow. Intercepted snow. Snowmelt.

Lawrence Pomeroy lpomeroy@ecology.uga.edu

Organization: University of Georgia

Department: Institute of Ecology

Title: Professor Emeritus

Specialties: biological oceanography

Eva Pongracz eva.pongracz@oulu.fi

Organization: University of Oulu

Department: Department of Process and Environmental Engineering

Title: Licensed Technician

Specialties: solid waste management

Current Research: Waste management in rare population arctic areas. Complying with European Union waste legislation in rare population areas.

Anatoley Ponomarev a.g.ponomarev@ibpc.ysn.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Biological Problems of Cryolithozone

Specialties: biochemistry, cold adaptation, boreal forests

Elizabeth Pontti alutiiq2@ptialaska.net

Organization: Alutiiq Museum

Specialties: archaeology, museum studies, Native studies

Current Research: Archaeological conservation. Early humans in Alaska.

Allen Pope apope@nsf.gov

Organization: U.S. National Science Foundation

Department: National Snow and Ice Data Center

Title: Program Director for Polar Cyberinfrastructure

Specialties: Remote sensing, glaciers, ice sheets
International cooperation, interdisciplinary cooperation, science facilitation, science diplomacy

Radu Popescu radu@engr.mun.ca

Organization: Memorial University of Newfoundland

Department: Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science - C-CORE

Title: Associate Professor, Senior Research Engineer C-CORE, Ph.D., P.Eng.

Specialties: geotechnical engineering, earthquake engineering, pipelines

Current Research: Ice-seabed interaction, pipe-soil interaction, ice-structure interaction. Selected contracts: Risk assessment of ice damage to buried marine pipelines; Feasibility of Seabed Structures as Alternatives to Glory Holes; Finite Element Analysis of Pipe/Soil Interaction; Safety and Integrity of Arctic Marine Pipelines; Analysis of pack ice and iceberg data in Voisey's Bay.

Birger Poppel bipo@uni.gl

Organization: Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland

Title: Chief Statistician

Specialties: economics, sustainable development, arctic science policy

Current Research: Survey of living conditions in the Arctic: Inuit, Saami, and the Indigenous peoples of Chukotka. Economic development. Subsistence.

Donald Porcelli don.porcelli@earth.ox.ac.uk

Organization: University of Oxford

Department: Department of Earth Sciences

Title: Lecturer

Specialties: marine geochemistry, geochemistry, groundwater

Current Research: Trace element geochemistry of the Arctic Ocean basins. Tracing ocean circulation using trace element isotopic variations. Determining vertical transport and removal rates of particle-reactive species. River inputs of trace elements into the Arctic.

Stephen Porter scporter@u.washington.edu

Organization: University of Washington

Department: Quaternary Research Center

Specialties: glacial geology, quaternary stratigraphy, glacial geology

Current Research: Quaternary environmental changes at Qinghai Lake, northeastern Tibet.

Warren Porter wporter@vms2.macc.wisc.edu

Organization: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Department: Department of Zoology

Specialties: physiological ecology, toxicology, population biology

Current Research: Climate effects on growth and reproduction potential of animals. Low-level groundwater contaminant mixtures' effects on immune, endocrine and neurological and sexual development.

Eric Post post@ucdavis.edu

Organization: University of California, Davis

Department: Department of Biology

Title: Professor

Specialties: population biology, ecology, climate change

Current Research: Theoretical ecology. Effects of environmental stochasticity, and in particular, climatic variability, on population dynamics, behavior, and life history traits of northern animal species.

Olga Posukh posukh@benpc.bionet.nsc.ru

Organization: Earth Cryosphere Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Branch

Department: Institute of Cytology and Genetics

Specialties: frost action, evolution, demography

Current Research: U.S.-Russia joint collaborative research on y chromosome variation in native human populations of Siberia.

Marion Potschin marion.potschin@nottingham.ac.uk

Organization: University of Nottingham

Department: School of Geography

Specialties: glacial geomorphology, landscape ecology, aquatic chemistry

Ben Potter ffbap3@uaf.edu

Organization: University of Alaska Fairbanks

Department: Department of Anthropology

Title: Professor, Department of Anthropology

Specialties: archaeology, anthropology, prehistory

Current Research: Subarctic and Arctic Archaeology, intersite variability, site structure and organization, field survey and excavation, statistical analyses, lithic and faunal analyses, GIS, hunter-gatherer ecology

Michel Poulin mpoulin@mus-nature.ca

Organization: Canadian Museum of Nature

Department: Research Division

Title: Ph.D.

Specialties: algae, biodiversity, sea ice biota

Current Research: Systematics of microalgae in Hudson Bay area. Systematics of marine microalgae in a multidisciplinary research programme in the Beaufort Sea.

Niels Poulsen nep@geus.dk

Organization: Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland

Department: Department of Environmental History and Climate

Title: Senior Scientist

Specialties: palynology, biostratigraphy, paleoclimatology

Current Research: Paleoecology. Dinoflagellate cysts. Jurassic Paleoecology: North Sea area, Denmark, Sweden - Poland, France, Portugal, Greenland - Wyoming. Miocene Quaternary Paleoecology: North Atlantic, Greenland Sea, North Sea area.