GW Sustainability Collaborative
George Washington University


Washington , District of Columbia 22205
United States


Dr. Robert Orttung is Research Director at the George Washington University Sustainability Collaborative and Associate Research Professor of International Affairs at GW’s Elliott School of International Affairs. Orttung is the lead PI on two National Science Foundation grants focused on promoting urban sustainability in the Arctic. He is the editor of the forthcoming Sustaining Russia’s Arctic Cities (NY: Berghahn, 2016). Among his previous publications are several books and articles examining the interconnection between energy and international relations, including serving as editor with Andreas Wenger and Jeronim Perovic of Energy and the Transformation of International Relations: Toward a New Producer–Consumer Framework (Oxford University Press, 2009) and Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations: Implications for conflict and cooperation, (Routledge, 2009).

Science Specialties

political science, urban sustainability, oil and gas development

Current Research

Promoting Arctic urban sustainability in Russia; energy development; NSF Research Coordination Network and Partnership on International Education and Research (PIRE).