Climate and Global Dynamics Division
National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)


Boulder , Colorado 80307
United States


Dr. Marika M. Holland is a Senior Scientist in the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). Her research is focused on the role of sea ice in the climate system, including long-term sea ice change, sea ice predictability, and polar climate variability. Dr. Holland has also been involved in work assessing the biological impacts of changing polar climate conditions. She has extensive experience in using climate models to study climate variability and change and has been active in the development of improved sea ice models for climate simulations. Dr. Holland has served as co-chair for the Polar Climate Working Group of the Community Earth System Model and Chief Scientist for the Community Earth System Model project. She is a contributing author on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change third, fourth, and fifth assessment reports, has contributed to numerous other assessments on the changing polar climate, and is an author on over 100 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Holland received her Ph.D. in Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences from the University of Colorado in 1997 and was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Victoria in British Columbia before joining the scientific staff of NCAR in 1999.


Sea Ice

Science Specialties

climate modeling, sea ice modeling, socio-economic impact assessment

Current Research

The role of sea ice and polar regions in the climate system, including ice/ocean/atmosphere feedback mechanisms, high latitude climate variability, and abrupt climate change