Enormous mineral and energy resources hide under the arctic ice. Because of the climate change new sea routes open and new opportunities for raw material extraction emerge. That is also the reason why politics and economy are focusing increasingly on this region. Professors from TU Bergakademie Freiberg will discuss with scientists, politicians, diplomats and business representatives from the Arctic coastal states as well as from Germany about geo-strategic, legal, technical, and economic developments in the Arctic region.
The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is the oldest mining university in the world. It has been founded 250 years ago. It combines as one of few universities in the world all scientific fields along the resource value chain at one location. The Arctic Conference in 2016 is the starting point of a series of conferences and workshops on specific arctic topics. It is organized by TU Bergakademie Freiberg to promote and enhance the scientific exchange on arctic-related topics.