
Multiple Meeting Announcements

  1. Call for Expression of Interest
    Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure for Polar Sciences
    10-12 September 2013
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

  2. First Call for Abstracts
    American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter Annual Meeting
    9-11 October 2013
    Fairbanks, Alaska

  3. Symposium Announcement
    29th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium
    13-16 May 2014
    Anchorage, Alaska

  4. Deadline Extended: Call for Abstract Submissions
    AAAS Arctic Division 2013 Annual Meeting
    26-28 September 2013
    Kodiak, Alaska

  1. Call for Expression of Interest
    Workshop on Cyberinfrastructure for Polar Sciences
    10-12 September 2013
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

The Organizing Committee of an NSF-sponsored "Workshop on
Cyberinfrastructure for Polar Sciences" invites expressions of interest
in attending the event. It will be held 10-12 September 2013 in
Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The overall goal of the workshop is to identify similarities and
differences in how cyberinfrastructure programs serve polar sciences
versus other disciplines. The workshop and the report will address
engagement and connections between computer and polar sciences
concerning what can be accomplished in the short-term (1-5 years) and
long-term (5-10+ years). The outcomes of this workshop will inform the
Polar Cyberinfrastructure Program at the National Science Foundation
concerning the past and current polar cyberinfrastrucutre activities and
will provide support for a community-driven design and architecture
development of a polar science cyberinfrastructure that is aligned with
the following end-users' needs: (1) long-term sustainable curatorship,
standardization, management and discovery of data and metadata;
visualization, manipulation, and analysis; (2) use of high performance
computing (HPC) for direct and sustainable advances in current polar
research; (3) big data and data access; (4) interoperability with data
from other domains; (5) e-learning and educational tools based on
cyberinfrastructure components; and (6) virtual organizations.

The workshop will be structured to provide responses to the following
questions and requests:

- What cyberinfrastructure (CI) support is currently available to
the polar science community and do those existing elements need to
be upgraded?
- Create a ranked list of science drivers and challenges made
tractable by transformative cyberinfrastructure that the community
aims to tackle on a 1-5 year and 5-10 year time frame (a) within
polar sciences, and (b) within the Arctic and (c) Antarctic
- Develop a list of data and cyberinfrastructure barriers/limits to
further advancing polar science and provide suggestions to overcome
these barriers.
- Produce a list of known community resources that the workshop
participants feel need to be developed, created, or made easier in
terms of cyberinfrastructure to allow them to do the important
science they want to do now and in the future.
- Create use cases that illustrate the transformational science that
could take place provided sufficient cyberinfrastructure and data

The workshop will host approximately 60 in person participants,
comprised of both invited and open-registration attendees. Invitations
are being sent to potential participants that have been initially
identified by the organizing committee. If you are interested in
attending, please be sure to fill out the brief form near the bottom of
the workshop website: Given
the limited number of participants, the Organizing Committee will review
all submissions and notify applicants by August 5th about the outcome of
their registration.

Submission deadline: Thursday, 1 August 2013.

For further information on the workshop, please go to:

  1. First Call for Abstracts
    American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter Annual Meeting
    9-11 October 2013
    Fairbanks, Alaska

Organizers of the 40th annual meeting of the Alaska Chapter of the
American Fisheries Society announce the abstract submission is now open.
The meeting will be convened 9-11 October 2013 at the Princess Fairbanks
Lodge in Fairbanks, Alaska.

The theme of this 40th meeting of is "The Practice of Fisheries:
Celebrating All Who Work Toward Sustainable Fisheries in Alaska." This
theme was chosen in celebration of the many varied peoples who
contribute to the health and sustainability of Alaska's fisheries and
fishing communities, whether as biologists, fisheries managers,
students, artists, and so on. This theme will be exemplified through a
broad array of sessions, including keynotes, contributed oral sessions,
and a poster session, and a long list of social activities and tours.
Abstract submission is currently open and closes Friday, 30 August 2013.
Abstracts will be accepted for papers and posters on any topic, but
concurrent sessions are expected to include:

- Freshwater Ecology
- Estuarine and Coastal Marine Ecosystems
- Crab Biology, Ecology, and Management
- Salmonid Biology, Ecology, and Management
- Fish Movement and Distribution
- Stock Assessment and Management
- Evolutionary and Genetic Perspectives
- Foodwebs and Fisheries
- Human Dimensions of Fisheries
- Advances in Fisheries Science and Technology
- North Slope Fisheries, Fish Populations, and their Habitats

The keynote speaker this year will be fisheries historian Carmel Finley
from Oregon State University. Also speaking will be award-winning
documentary filmmaker Tom Garber, whose recent film "Salt of the Sea"
will be screening on Friday night. New elements for this year's meeting
will include an open-mic night; a poster trivia challenge with prizes
during the banquet; and 20-minute "learning studios" in which experts
will offer mini-lessons on fisheries-related topics such as resilience
theory, satellite remote sensing, and environmental justice.

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 30 August 2013.

Abstracts for both papers and posters should be clear, concise, and no
more than 250 words. To submit an abstract, please go to:

If you have questions or recommendations, or are interested in helping
with meeting planning, social activities, or local arrangements, please
Philip Loring, Chapter President-Elect and Program Committee Chair
Phone: 907-474-7163
Email: ploring [at]

  1. Symposium Announcement
    29th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium
    13-16 May 2014
    Anchorage, Alaska

Organizers announce that the 29th Lowell Wakefield Fisheries Symposium
will be held 13-16 May 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska.
The theme of the event is "Fisheries Bycatch: Global Issues and Creative

The symposium will bring together fishery and social scientists,
managers, fishermen, and other stakeholders from around the world to
report on creative approaches to solving fishery bycatch issues.
Keynotes, invited talks, and oral and poster contributions will be
presented on new technologies, advancements toward full accounting of
fishing mortality into harvest control rules, approaches to
industry-derived solutions, incentive programs, new regulatory
solutions, and studies on social and economic implications related to
bycatch issues.

A call for abstracts will be released soon.

For more information please see

  1. REMINDER: Registration and Abstract Submission
    AAAS Arctic Division 2013 Annual Meeting
    26-28 September 2013
    Kodiak, Alaska

Organizers announce that the deadline to submit an abstract to the AAAS
Arctic Division 2013 Annual Meeting has been extended to Friday, 16
August 2013. The meeting will be held 26-28 September 2013 in Kodiak,
Alaska. The 2013 theme is "Fisheries and Watersheds: Food Security,
Education and Sustainability."

Future concerns about Alaska's marine resources, particularly the
fisheries, revolve around the status of research and education and our
ability to wisely utilize this cornucopia. The 2013 Arctic Science
Conference will feature a variety of sessions focusing on marine
science, sustainability, circumpolar health, and interdisciplinary

Abstract submission deadline: Friday, 16 August 2013.
Early registration deadline: Thursday, 15 August 2013.

For further information, please go to:

Or contact:
Brian Himelbloom
Email: bhhimelbloom [at]
Phone: 907-486-1529

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