
People interested in attending the following conference should contact:
Russian Academy of Sciences
Ural Division
Komi Science Centre
Institute of Language, Literature and History
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar
tel. +7(8212) 42 55 64
fax: +7 (8212) 42 52 66

asweb.hist [at]

Dear colleague!

The Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre,
Ural Division, Russian Academy of Sciences jointly with the Institute for
Socio-Economic and Energy Problems of the North with the support of the
Head of the Komi Republic, the Representation of the President of the
Russian Federation in the Republic of Komi, the Ministry of Nationalities
of the Komi Republic and the Advisory Committee of the Finno-Ugric People
is planning to hold an International scientific conference "The indigenous
ethnoses of the North of the European Russia on the threshold of a new
millennium: history, present-day, prospects" on May 17-19, 2000.

The main aim of the Conference is to generalize the accumulated experience
in the field of cultural and socio-economic spheres in northern territories
and the ethnoses inhabiting them, to work out the main directions in the
activity of the scientific community and the public in a new millennium.

It is planned to discuss the following problems:

  1. Ethnogenesis and ethnic history of the indigenous ethnoses of the North
    of the European Russia;
  2. History of the peoples of the North of the European Russia in the XX
    century: problems and the ways to solution;
  3. Ethnocultural adaptation of the peoples of the North of the European
  4. History and the present condition of the national-state building and
    language development in the indigenous ethnoses of the North of the
    European Russia;
  5. Problems of social-economic development of the indigenous ethnoses of
    the North of the European Russia.

We invite you to participate in the work of our Conference. Applications
for participation with the topic of a supposed report should be sent to:
Organizing Committee
Institute of Language, Literature and History
26, Kommunisticheskaya str.
Syktyvkar 167610
Komi, Russia

Vice-chairman of the Organizing Committee - Eleonora A.Savelyeva, tel.
(8212) 425266; executive secretary - Galina V.Fedyuneva, tel. (8212)
425088. The deadline for the submission of applications is March 1, 2000.

The registration form:

| First name:                                               |
|                                                           |
| Surname:                                                  |
|                                                           |
| Position:                                                 |
|                                                           |
| Title:                                                    |
|                                                           |
| Institution, Organisation:                                |
|                                                           |
| Mailing address:                                          |
|                                                           |
| Country:                                                  |
|                                                           |
| Tel:                                                      |
|                                                           |
| Fax:                                                      |
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| E-mail:                                                   |
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| Language of your paper:                                   |
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| Title of your paper:                                      |
|                                                           |
| Comments:                                                 |
|                                                           |

Those expecting to attend the Conference are requested to submit the
above form by March 1, 2000 to the address below.

Russian Academy of Sciences
Ural Division
Komi Science Centre
Institute of Language, Literature and History
26, Kommunisticheskaya str., Syktyvkar
tel. +7(8212) 42 55 64 fax: +7 (8212) 42 52 66
asweb.hist [at]