
Town Hall Meeting at European Geosciences Union (EGU) Meeting
"AITI and GELATI - Initiatives to Promote Education and Training for the
Next Generation of Educators and Scientists During IPY 2007/2008 and
Vienna, Austria

Date/Time: Wednesday, 27 April 2005 at 19:00
Location: Austria Center Vienna - Green Level (SM5) Room 15

For more information on the AITI and GELATI initiatives, please go to:

For further information on the EGU meeting, please go to:

A town hall meeting will be held during the EGU meeting in Vienna to
provide a forum to discuss teaching initiatives for the International
Polar Year. The meeting will be held on Wednesday, 27 April 2005 from
19:00 to 20:00 (or 7 to 8 pm) in room 15 on the Green Level. This
meeting targets all researchers interested in integrating research and

This meeting will provide information about AITI (An IPY Teaching
Initiative) and GELATI (Glaciological Teaching Initiative for the IPY)
and wake interest in the science community for these initiatives. For
more information on the AITI and GELATI initiatives, please go to:

Additionally, the meeting will provide a forum to present other
initiatives and discuss and possibly coordinate international

For those of you who won't make it to the EGU meeting in Vienna, there
will also be a similar Town Hall meeting at the AGU Spring meeting in
New Orleans on Thursday, 26 May 2005 in the Morial Convention Center in
Room 223.