
Funding Opportunity
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Office of Global Programs (OGP)
Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments (RISA)

Deadline for Letters of Intent: Friday, 20 May 2005
Deadline for Full Proposals: Friday, 15 July 2005

For further information, please go to:

Dear Colleagues:

The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) Office of
Global Programs (OGP) announces the release of our Federal Funding
Opportunity for OGP's competitive programs. OGP leads the NOAA Climate
and Global Change Program and assists NOAA by sponsoring scientific
research aimed at understanding climate variability and its
predictability. Through studies in these areas, researchers coordinate
activities that jointly contribute to improved predictions and
assessments of climate variability over a continuum of time scales from
season to season, year to year, and over the course of a decade and

Within OGP, the Climate and Societal Interactions Division supports
NOAA's priority for Decision Support Research in the Climate Program.
This year, two programs may be of particular interest to Alaskan and
arctic researches. The Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments
(RISA) program is looking to award a long-term research grant to
establish an Alaska RISA program. The Sectoral Applications and Research
Program (SARP) will award 2-3 year grants focused on 1) coastal
management and 2) water resources.

The Federal Funding Opportunity, along with detailed program information
sheets and priorities for funding, can be found on the OGP home page at Letters of Intent (LOIs) are due Friday, 20 May
2005 with full proposals due 15 July.

For more information regarding the RISA program, contact Juniper Neill
at juniper.neill [at] or 301-427-2342.