
Spreadsheet Available Online
SEARCH Activities

The spreadsheet is available online at:

A table of activities relevant to the SEARCH Implementation Plan (SIP)
has been updated and formatted as a downloadable Excel spreadsheet.

The URL is:

Entries in the table have been categorized according to the eight
activities identified in the SIP, and also according to nine types of
activity. For each entry, an indication of relevance has been assigned,
with 1 indicating highest relevance and 3 indicating lowest relevance.
For many of the activities, links to an abstract and website are
provided in the table. The table and spreadsheet are regarded as working
documents, and the edition posted now is the initial draft. The table is
to be augmented, updated, and corrected as appropriate. The objective is
to create a table that provides a comprehensive, up to date list of all
U.S. research activities that contribute to the eight SEARCH activity

PI's with SEARCH-related activities are invited to review the list, and
send updates, corrections, and additions by e-mail to:
Mari Forster
mari [at]