
Call for Community Input
SEARCH Implementation Workshop
Online Discussion Forum Now Available

For more information, go to:

or contact:
Helen Wiggins, ARCUS
E-mail: helen [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) is an interagency
effort to understand the nature, extent, and future development of the
system-scale change presently seen in the Arctic. In order to establish
priorities for the next steps of the implementation of SEARCH, an
Implementation Workshop, funded by the National Science Foundation
Office of Polar Program's Arctic Sciences Section, is being held 23-25
May 2005.

The set of priorities resulting from this meeting will help to guide the
science community and agencies in SEARCH planning, including that for
the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY). The workshop report,
scheduled for completion by July 2005, will recommend priorities for
SEARCH implementation beyond the present Implementation Strategy,
including detailed plans for SEARCH activity areas.

In order to enable broad community input into workshop discussions and
the resulting set of SEARCH priorities, an online bulletin board has
been developed. No registration is required for the bulletin board.

The first opportunity for community input on the SEARCH bulletin board
is for feedback on a set of position papers outlining initial thoughts
on priority implementation activities for the broad SEARCH themes of
"Observing Change," "Understanding Change," and "Responding to Change."
These papers were drafted by the SEARCH panels to inform and guide
discussions during the SEARCH workshop.

To download the papers and participate in the online forum, go to:

For more information about the SEARCH panels, go to:

For more information about the workshop, including agenda and
participant list, go to:

The bulletin board will be kept in place during and after the workshop
until the meeting report has been completed.