
Postdoctoral Position Available
"Synthesis of Arctic System Carbon Cycle Research Through Model-Data
Fusion Studies Using Atmospheric Inversion and Process-Based
University of Alaska Fairbanks

For further position information, please contact:
Dr. A. David McGuire
Phone: 907-474-6242
E-mail: <ffadm [at]

or go to:

The University of Alaska Fairbanks invites applications for a
postdoctoral position in the research project "Synthesis of Arctic
System Carbon Cycle Research Through Model-Data Fusion Studies Using
Atmospheric Inversion and Process-Based Approaches." The scientist will
conduct studies that include the development, parameterization, testing,
analysis, and application of models that simulate carbon dynamics in
high latitude ecosystems. Training in earth system science or
biogeochemistry is required, and the scientist must have skills in
mathematics, computer programming, data analysis, and modeling of system
dynamics. A Ph.D. degree (already received or awaiting receipt with all
requirement fulfilled) is required. This position currently has funding
for two years and is available immediately.
Applications for this position can be submitted at or by going to
< and entering position number 925485. Applications
will be received until the position is filled.

More information on the nature of the position can be obtained by
Dr. A. David McGuire
Phone: 907-474-6242
E-mail: ffadm [at]

The University of Alaska is an equal employment/affirmative action
employer and educational institution. Women and minority candidates are
encouraged to apply.