
Workshop Announcement
"Subglacial Antarctic Lake Environments (SALE) in the International
Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008: Advanced Science and Technology Planning"
24-26 April 2006
Grenoble, France

Please send any inquiries regarding the workshop to:
Chuck Kennicutt, Chair of the International Steering Committee
E-mail: m-kennicutt [at]

A major international workshop entitled "Subglacial Antarctic Lake
Environments (SALE) in the International Polar Year (IPY) 2007-2008:
Advanced Science and Technology Planning" will be held in Grenoble,
France from 24-26 April 2005.

The workshop is jointly sponsored by the National Science Foundation
Office of Polar Programs (OPP), Texas A&M University, the Scientific
Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique (CNRS), and Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Geophysique de
l'Environment (LGGE).

The workshop will include mornings of invited presentations, afternoon
breakout discussion groups, and a concurrent poster session. Topics will
include SALE geology and tectonic settings, SALE glaciohydrogeology and
paleoclimate, the limnology and biogeochemistry of SALE, SALE biology
and genomics, planetary analogues and environmental protection, and SALE
technology challenges.

The workshop goals are:
1. Refine and focus the disciplinary scientific questions posed
initially at the Cambridge workshop, and developed further by
SCAR-SALEGOS, to strengthen interdisciplinary linkages and expand on the
vision for each science component.
2. Develop an integrated science plan that clearly shows how the pieces
from (1) fit together into a coherent plan including expected outcomes
and an indication of timing.
3. Identify the sample and technological needs to accomplish the science
of (1) and (2) (with as much specificity as possible).

The workshop will also be the "kick-off" of SALE in the IPY 2007-2008
and as such is intended to generate broad interest in the program.

In a few weeks, further details will be posted at the SALE Program
Office website:

Please send any inquiries regarding the workshop to:
Chuck Kennicutt, Chair of the International Steering Committee
E-mail: m-kennicutt [at]