
Report Available Online
Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH)
"Study of Environmental Arctic Change: Plans for Implementation During
the International Polar Year and Beyond"

For more information and to download the report, go to:

The Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH), a U.S. program that
seeks to understand the nature, extent, and future development of the
system-scale changes in the Arctic, has prepared community
recommendations for scientific research priorities to be implemented
during the upcoming International Polar Year (IPY) and beyond.

The executive summary and full final report are now available online at:

The report, "Study of Environmental Arctic Change: Plans for
Implementation During the International Polar Year and Beyond--Report of
the SEARCH Implementation Workshop, May 23-25, 2005" summarizes
Observing, Understanding, Responding, Data Management and
Education/Outreach activities to guide the science community and
agencies in SEARCH implementation.

The activities and priorities within the report draw from a number of
sources and community discussions, including the initial SEARCH Science
Plan (2001) and Implementation Strategy (2003); white papers prepared by
SEARCH implementation panels; community input received in response to
the white papers posted on the Internet; and discussions during and
after the SEARCH Implementation Workshop.

To download the report, go to:

For more information or to request the report in hard copy, contact:
Helen Wiggins, ARCUS
E-mail: helen [at]
Phone: 907-474-1600