
New Website Available
U.S. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research Office

The website is available at:

A new U.S. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) Office
website is now available at:

The U.S. SCAR Office provides a focus for U.S. SCAR activities, a
central location for information regarding SCAR, and easy access to SCAR
and other Antarctic websites. Important information, research
opportunities, and funding announcements will be regularly posted to the

The site also hosts the Antarctic Science Web Resource (ANSWER) e-mail
service. If you wish to receive weekly updates of Antarctic news and
funding opportunities, please subscribe to the ANSWER e-mail
notification digest system at:

Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the site and
bookmark it for future reference. Suggestions, comments, and ideas about
materials to post to the site are not only welcomed but encouraged.

Feedback can be sent to:
Chuck Kennicutt
E-mail: m-kennicutt [at]