
Position Announcement
Research Associate - Arctic Coastal Processes (Reference No. 72/Pdm)
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)

Application Deadline: Friday, 15 December 2005

For further information, please contact:
Volker Rachold
E-mail: vrachold [at]

The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research (AWI)
Potsdam, Germany is inviting applications for a Research Associate (m/f)
ˆ Arctic Coastal Processes - reference No. 72/Pdm.

We invite applications for the position of a Research Associate to work
with the AWI Potsdam geosciences department (topic: permafrost dynamics)
for the earliest possible start date. The successful candidate will be
working on circum-Arctic investigations of coastal processes with a
focus on permafrost coasts of the Siberian Arctic. The studies are
associated with the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) /
International Permafrost Association (IPA) program „Arctic Coastal
Dynamics (ACD)‰ which is headed by the AWI Potsdam

The candidate should hold a PhD in geology/physical geography with
considerable knowledge of permafrost research (both onshore and
offshore) and Arctic coastal processes. The position involves the
coordination of international research activities, such as the ACD
program and the IPY (International Polar Year) lead project „Arctic
Circumpolar Coastal Observatory Network (ACCO-Net)‰, and, thus,
substantial communication and management skills are required. Experience
in the field of inorganic geochemistry are a benefit but not mandatory.
Excellent knowledge of English and the willingness to participate in
Arctic expeditions are preconditioned.

For further information on application and admission requirements please
contact the AWI Personnel Department at the address below. Issues
relating to the scientific aspects of this position may be addressed to
Dr. Volker Rachold (vrachold [at]

The position will be funded for three years. The salary will be paid
following the German Bundesangestelltentarifvertrag II a BAT-O. The AWI
is an equal opportunity employer and especially encourages female
scientists to apply. With different arrangements the AWI supports

Applications, including the usual documents, quoting the reference
number will be accepted until 15th December 2005 at:
Alfred-Wegener-Institute for Polar and Marine Research, PO Box 60 01 49,
14401 Potsdam (