
NSF Announces Human and Social Dynamics Competition

The announcement is available online at:

A new announcement is available from the National Science Foundation
website for a new Human and Social Dynamics (HSD) competition. The
announcement is available at:

The deadline for Exploratory Research and Research Community Development
proposals is Tuesday, 14 February 2006 and the deadline for Full
Proposals is Tuesday, 21 February 2006.

Information about the HSD priority area may be found at:
A list of recent awards is available near the bottom of the page.

General questions about HSD may be directed to Keith Crank, the HSD
Competition Coordinator at kcrank [at]

If you would like to discuss whether a proposal is appropriate to an HSD
emphasis area, please contact one of the emphasis area representatives.

Technical questions about preparing and submitting a proposal in
FastLane should be referred to the FastLane help desk (1-800-437-7408).