
Website on Arctic Climate Changes Relaunched
Danish Environmental Protection Agency
Danish Polar Center

The site can be found at:

Last summer the Danish Environmental Protection Agency and the Danish
Polar Center launched a homepage about the Arctic climate changes. This
homepage has now been expanded, and tells in cases and features about
the consequences for animals, vegetation, people, and nature. A
comprehensive list of references and links offers the user an
opportunity to explore the subjects further.

The homepage is part of the follow-up on the report "Impacts of a
Warming Arctic - Arctic Climate Impact Assessment" (ACIA) from November

The site's primary target audience is second-grade and high-school
students, but also people with a general interest in society, the
Arctic, and science.

The site offers a wide range of information about melting of glaciers
and sea ice, sea-level rise, weakened ocean currents, and the possible
extinction of polar bears and seals. You can also read about the future
of the indigenous communities, new opportunities for agriculture, new
shipping routes, and easier access to the natural resources in the

The homepage is in Danish, English, and Greenlandish and will be updated
regularly. The site has been produced with funds from the Danish
Ministry of Environment's programme Environmental Assistance to the
Arctic in cooperation with the Danish Polar Center.

The site can be found at: