
Call for Proposals
National Leadership Computing System (NLCS) Resources
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Proposal Submission Deadline: Monday, 16 January 2006

The complete Call for Proposals is available online at:

Questions about the proposal procedure should be directed to:
Tsengdar Lee
NASA Headquarters
Phone: 202-358-0860
E-mail: tsengdar.j.lee [at]

As a commitment to continued U.S. leadership in high-end scientific and
technical computing and computational modeling, and in response to the
recommendations of the Federal High-End Computing Revitalization Task
Force (HECRTF), NASA is extending access to its premier high-end
computing system, called Columbia, to include research from outside of
existing NASA projects.

Four of Columbia's nodes have been linked to form a unique
2048-processor shared memory environment, currently the world's largest
single-system-image configuration, referred to as NASA's National
Leadership Computing System (NLCS).

Scientists and engineers are invited to request large allocations of
time and storage on the NLCS. Applicants must present evidence that they
can make effective use of the shared memory architecture and a major
fraction of the processors. Four and a half million processor hours are
being made available through the Call for Proposals for the year 1 March
2006 to 28 February 2007.

The complete Call for Proposals is available online at: