
Call for Papers
"Arctic Change and Coastal Communities"
Canada Coastal Zone Association
12-18 August 2006
Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories

Abstract Submission Deadline: 31 May 2006

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Steve Newton
Phone: 204-984-5561
E-mail: newtons [at]

The Coastal Zone Canada National Conference provides a forum for the
exchange of ideas and information related to the sustainable
development, conservation, and management of coastal and offshore areas
in Canada.

The 2006 conference, titled "Arctic Change and Coastal Communities" will
explore the rapid and significant changes taking place in the Arctic,
examine the issues coastal people are facing as a result, and evaluate
current frameworks for ocean management and governance in the Arctic and
elsewhere. The conference will be held 12-18 August 2006 in Tuktoyaktuk,
Northwest Territories.

You are invited to submit papers and posters for presentation at the
conference. Priority will be given to presentations on changing
conditions, community well-being, and ocean management/governance in the
arctic seas and their coastal areas.

For further information, please go to:

or contact:
Steve Newton
Phone: 204-984-5561
E-mail: newtons [at]