
Request for Input
NSF Strategic Plan FY 2006-2011

Comment Deadline: Friday, 20 January 2006

Comments can be submitted online at:

The National Science Foundation is asking for your input at the start of
the process to draft the next NSF Strategic Plan. Feedback from the
science and engineering community is very important and views from the
community will be incorporated into the new plan.

The current plan
( is meant
to guide NSF and stakeholders in a way that is responsive
to the science and engineering community that NSF serves. The Strategic Plan for FY
2006-2011 will continue to do this through communicating NSF's strategic
goals, objectives, priorities and strategies over this time period. To
meet the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act, the
plan will also discuss the relationship of this entire framework to
annual performance goals in the NSF budget. The Strategic Plan will be
consistent with the priorities and strategies being drafted in the
National Science Board 2020 Vision for the National Science Foundation.
Your comments are requested by January 20, 2006 through the website at:
In particular, NSF requests comments on the following questions to
assist in developing the new plan:

Does NSF's current Strategic Plan effectively communicate NSF's roles
and responsibilities as part of the science and engineering (S&E)
community? If not, what is lacking and how can the next plan be

What broad characteristics of the near- and long-term environment for
S&E research and education should NSF consider and address in its next
Strategic Plan?

In addition to direct community input, the NSF Advisory Committees will
provide guidance throughout the process. There will be another
opportunity for direct community input once a draft plan is completed.
The final version of the Strategic Plan must be sent to Congress and the
Office of Management and Budget by September 30, 2006.