
New and Updated Data Sets Available
National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

Please contact NSIDC User Services with any questions:
E-mail: nsidc [at]
Phone: 303-492-6199

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) would like to announce the
online availability of ice charts from the Dehn Collection along with a
newly published Upward Looking Sonar data set.

The Dehn Collection of Arctic Sea Ice Charts, 1953-1986

William H. Dehn was one of the first ice observers for the U.S. Navy,
flying in the 1950s on ice reconnaissance flights. NSIDC houses a
collection compiled by Dehn of 6,896 paper ice charts of Alaska, the
western Canadian Arctic, and Bering Sea waters. Of the entire collection
of paper charts, 3,982 have been scanned through the NOAA Climate
Database Modernization Program (CDMP) and are now available online at
NSIDC. Many charts predate satellite observations and the regular ice
charting activities of the U.S. National Ice Center, and are believed to
contain information on location and extent of sea ice cover that is not
available elsewhere. Obtaining information from the charts may be
difficult because of the spotty nature of the drawn ice features,
especially on the earlier charts in the series, and incomplete
understanding of the ice analysis code or notations used.

To access the online charts, click the "Search Database" link from:

AWI Moored ULS Data, Greenland Sea and Fram Strait, 1991-2002

Upward Looking Sonar (ULS) data from eleven moorings provide ice draft,
water pressure, and water temperature data. Raw data files with sonar
travel time and files with draft frequency of occurrence are available
as well. A single statistical file for each mooring summarizes that
mooring's record. These data were contributed to NSIDC by the Alfred
Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in Bremerhaven, Germany
in 2002 and 2004, as a contribution to the World Climate Research
Programme's Arctic Climate System Study/Climate and Cryosphere
(ACSYS/CliC) Project.

For more information, please go to:

Please contact NSIDC User Services with any questions:
E-mail: nsidc [at]
Phone: 303-492-6199