
New National Science Foundation Solicitation
"Partnerships for Innovation" (NSF 06-550)

For further information, see the full solicitation at:

The Partnerships for Innovation program is intended to forge connections
between new knowledge created in the discovery process and learning and
innovation, while broadening the participation of people and
institutions in NSF activities. We define innovation as the
transformation of knowledge into the products, processes, systems, and
services that fuel economic development, create wealth, and generate
improvements in the national standard of living. The goals of the
program are as follows:

  • Stimulate the transformation of knowledge created by the research and
    education enterprise into innovations that create new wealth, build
    strong local, regional and national economies, and improve the national

  • Broaden the participation of all types of academic institutions and
    all citizens in NSF activities to more fully meet the broad workforce
    needs of the national innovation enterprise; and

  • Catalyze or enhance enabling infrastructure necessary to foster and
    sustain innovation in the long-term.

In order to accomplish these goals, proposals may include any one or a
combination of the following activities:
(1) research, technology transfer, and/or commercialization;
(2) workforce education and/or training; and
(3) establishing the infrastructure to accomplish or enable innovation.

Proposals should show how all activities being proposed are related to
innovation and increased capabilities for continued innovation as the
ultimate outcomes.